Devils v Clan - 13/11 - 6:30pm - League - Chat/Updates


Well-Known Member
Frank is a liability and the lack of another D cost us the game tonight. Two mistakes, one by Richardson and a howler from Max gave the win to the Clan, and from what I saw I'd say it was a deserved win and we were lucky to get a point. Special mention must go to the Clan fans who supported their team so well. Getting back to Frank, he can't go on taking dumb penalties and its about time something is done about it. His team mates won't be happy with his actions tonight. Finally, what a goal by Pierce !
I know Frank is a liability but he had enough he was telling the ref the Clan players were cross checking then he got high sticked which wasn't called Yes he shouldn't have made a hit like that but he was showing a bit of emotion
Didn't think we played too bad tonight but really disapointed with loss after last nights amazing away win against top of the table. Just had a quick look, and we've only had 1 weekend with 2 wins so far this season :cry:

Really need M Smith back to firm up the D a bit, and wouldn't be against a change elsewhere in the team although I'm sure that's one for another thread.


Well-Known Member
First game for me tonight this season, felt sorry for Max at the end as he did have a good game.

Well done to Adams and the Brits. As for the team performance was really scrappy in my eye's, they definetly need to bring another forward in that would fit the team better.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately a whole lot of tough guys are also high intensity players, thats why they are fruit cakes in the first place, its just a different sort of high intensity that very often sees them take stupid penalties. Waresy, Macwilliam, Heavey, and Voth are just a few who fell into that catergory, and Frank is no different. He let his team down badly tonight, these players just see red and then go off on one. Its a great shame because he is playing very well.
The Frank hit was right in front of where I stand. You could see it coming from at least 6 or 7 yards away with obvious intent. When Andy Carson came over he said to Bannister, after he got back up off the ice, 'match' so we knew he was going. He did take a stick to the face in the face off prior to the incident and so he was rather hyped up about it.
How can people say frank is a liability? Ok, only been coming for two years and still learning, but for me he has been decent and got better as season gone on. Tonight was bad time to take the pen, like others on here I saw the stick to face and his reaction so could see it coming. If that had been voth though I have a feeling people would be saying how great it was and applauding his physicality etc.


Well-Known Member
He's a liability because of the dumb ill timed penalty he took tonight and the many other dumb unecessary penalties he's taken in previous games this season. Yes he got a high stick, it happens. However, he just wasn't clever enough to bide his time, get his own back, and maybe just get a 2 minute roughing as opposed to the match penalty and 25 minutes that left an already weakened D doing overtime. That's why he's a liability!! He let his team down badly tonight.
To call Frank a liability is a tad unfair, we called for a tougher/meaner team player and we got Frank. he's always said that his physical side of the game is his greatest asset and he was to take penalty minutes away from Voth this season.

His hit tonight was spot on from where I was sitting it sent a direct message to clan players, if a few other hits from max and brad had connected as intended their would have been a few more penalty minutes and elite league reviews to come. (hopefully there will be none but braehead had a Belfast penalty reviewed for further action which did backfire on them :lol:)

The biggest liability this year for me (sucking sour eggs) is jeff pierce.
Only a couple of weeks ago I started a thread defending him but find my self week in week out becoming more frustrated by his inability to throw a hit or chase the puck down after losing it to some ridiculous figure skating like move.

3/4 points earned this weekend let's not dwel on the past but look forward to to Saturday V blaze.
as a hocky player franks been playin great, but he has to look in the mirror and sort his head out cos he cost us the game tonight as he did up in dundee etc, and its kids like batch who are havin to carry the can being so short at the back and may be max wouldt have had to be playin so deep if frank was still on the ice ? with mark out for so long and no cover comin in we can not have this continuosly going on, its killing us
He hit a guys numbers and planted him face first into the boards which in turn swung the momentum of the whole game and killed all physical play.. and we don't have the right to discuss this? As fans of the team, who paid hard cash to be at the game? Discussing the part of the game which we feel cost us isn't okay by you because he's your nephew? It's a sport, not a mass hate cult. man up and take it, your nephew you would. Let us discuss the game thank you. None of this burning flags rubbish.
Devildan discuss it all you want. Stop blaming one play for everything. His being my nephew has nothing to do with it. the point is again forum discussions seem to center around one play or two players (frank/pierce) always costing the team. I watched the game saturday and could have picked numerous individuals to bellyache about, but their individual gaffes didn't equate to winning our losing the game. very onesided on this forum. Not to mention biased. Lastly bring something more than "your nephew" ********. Its getting old and Frankly not very creative.

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Active Member
Did anyone else see the check Brad did by their bench? It was so good it took their back up netminder out. He was sitting behind the bench with a bleeding nose and didn't come out for 3rd period!


Well-Known Member
What opinion have you offered so far Juno?

All you have done is slate anyone that has dared to have a negative opinion on Frank!!! And in doing so you have been pretty offensive.

As it was, until Frank made his first period hit the atmosphere was rubbish last night. His hit got the crowd going and hey presto Voth made a hit on the very next shift. Next thing, the entire Devils roster are trying to hit everything that moves.
That there is a perfect example of Frank being the good guy, the game changer.

His ''match'' penalty call was an example of the bad. He took a high stick to the face prior to the hit (which could see his match get downgraded) but he has to learn to control the 'red-mist' that follows. Bannister's numbers were there to be hit from the moment Frank started his run-up, and it was always going to result in a penalty on the play.


Active Member
Errrm Juno, have you ever been to one of our games? Have you?? Does Chris know you troll on here? Do you think he appreciates your support?

Now my turn for some anti USA rhetoric and unkie sam bashing.

1 - Chris Frank, big name signing with AHL pretensions and suspected pay cheque to match had a massive hissy fit and checked NHL veteran Drew Bannister from behind and high into the boards leaving him in a heap on the ice. He was ejected and left an already weakened D even shorter for more than half the game.FACT. I saw it all, the belly-aching on an uncalled x-check, the look to the ref for the also uncalled accidental high stick to his face, then the charge into Bannister. Whether he cost us the match is moot but you do the math(s).

2 - Jeff Pierce, marquee signing with all the skill and firepower to match our departed top-scorer who was half his size. I suspect he is on a good stipend for being here, but does seem to go missing and appear un-concerned at times. Personally I find it quite charming watching him sing along to the songs whilst he lines up for face offs, but it also shows a little lack of intensity.

3 - I'll toss you another one Juno for free Scott Matzka. Asst coach and a man who looks like he is over here because his wife is with child and we offer better medical care otherwise he'd be playing for the team he signed for in pre-season and appears like he wishes he was there. He centres the line that is least productive and last night looked a liability to me and nowhere near as effective as his 1st year. The man who injured a team mate in practice leaving us long-term short benched.

Post edited.
No such thing as an accidental high stick. It is the players responsibility to control their stick at all times.

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Thread starter #37
I've deleted most of what appeared to just be digs at each other, or childish attempts to wind other users up on purpose.

Some posts have gone because I deleted the original post and couldn't see how to keep the post without the thread going crazy again.

I've left what I feel is relevant, no doubt it'll be the wrong choice to some people. Some of the posts left have been edited by me.
Chris said:
I've deleted most of what appeared to just be digs at each other, or childish attempts to wind other users up on purpose.

Some posts have gone because I deleted the original post and couldn't see how to keep the post without the thread going crazy again.

I've left what I feel is relevant, no doubt it'll be the wrong choice to some people. Some of the posts left have been edited by me.

Comedy "BOOOO" was enjoying reading that brightened up a dull morning at work :lol:


Well-Known Member
I agree to a point that franks was out of order for the hit BUT and it is a big but if carson had called the high stick to his face then frank wouldnt have needed to make the hit he did!!!!. for me carson seemed whistle happy when it come to putting any devils player in the bin, example hill was called for tripping fine but nothing for the clan player who started pushing shoving voth when he was just standing there and then he fell over, it was a good game in parts but also very scrappy as well. the goals we scored were well worked especially bens, pierce's goal was sublime something out of the norm,
Welshy74 said:
Did anyone else see the check Brad did by their bench? It was so good it took their back up netminder out. He was sitting behind the bench with a bleeding nose and didn't come out for 3rd period!
So good Welshy, Mike ended up in hospital. Well done Voth back to your usual goon ways!!