Dave Simms.......again


Well-Known Member
Thread starter #21
Gazza272 said:
E.D.S. said:
Relax, it's just a bit of fun, there's nothing unhealthy about it. I did state that the Steelers were deserving of their place at the top and Sarich has had a good season. I think it's just the constant lauding of the players that's gets me and the narrow minded-ness that consumes the man and his inward thinking that all things hockey begin and end in Sheffield. None of their players are ever 'good' or 'reasonable' they are always "the best in the league", the best things since sliced bread, "the players that everyone wants"- it's a bit much and a tad unprofessional for me. Admittedly today's coverage wasn't as bad as normal this post was just a bit of fun. No harm done. Would I really dedicate my life to it? I very much doubt it - i'd still sign a petition though (just kidding!)

In some ways i am in full agreement with you, its silly of the EIEIO to have one of the teams press officers to be fronting the sky sports show, i'll commentate for free if they want me to :D

So on that basis its going to be hard for Dave to basically stop doing his job which as PR guy for the Steelers is to big up his players as much as he can. The buck for me stops with the EIEIO and they proabbly need to look at it for next season.

oh and where can i sign that petition? :lol:
Nice one Gazza272 I'll draft a copy now!
Love the EIEIO bit!! Genius!