Worrying News for the Capitals

Thread starter #4
Caps shirt misunderstanding

The thing is you have to feel sorry for the fans, as how long will they pay to go see there team get beat by loads of goals. Sad! And also for other teams fans that pick and choose there games won't pay to watch the caps games so lost revenue for the other teams when they are playing them at there own arena.


Active Member
Re: Caps shirt misunderstanding

clanfandoug said:
The thing is you have to feel sorry for the fans, as how long will they pay to go see there team get beat by loads of goals. Sad! And also for other teams fans that pick and choose there games won't pay to watch the caps games so lost revenue for the other teams when they are playing them at there own arena.
Looks like the fans are going to have a rough year again, it really isn't fair on them at all.

I wonder what season ticket sales were like after last years performance.
Thread starter #6
Caps shirt misunderstanding

There last couple of games there was about 50 clan fans at the games as we don't start until Saturday.
But don't mean to be harsh here but if it going to be the same as last year they should be kicked out the league. And they have started the same way 3 games conceded 21 goals.
I was so wanting a better caps team this year. Fife will get better as 1800 at there last couple of games. Dundee has improved I was at there game on Sunday v giants and they are much stronger in defence. Be hard to score against.
Also feel the clan has upgraded the imports also, but out Brits a bit light.
Just hope Caps can change things around quick or be expelled from league.


Active Member
Re: Caps shirt misunderstanding

clanfandoug said:
There last couple of games there was about 50 clan fans at the games as we don't start until Saturday.
But don't mean to be harsh here but if it going to be the same as last year they should be kicked out the league. And they have started the same way 3 games conceded 21 goals.
I was so wanting a better caps team this year. Fife will get better as 1800 at there last couple of games. Dundee has improved I was at there game on Sunday v giants and they are much stronger in defence. Be hard to score against.
Also feel the clan has upgraded the imports also, but out Brits a bit light.
Just hope Caps can change things around quick or be expelled from league.
I was hoping that three others teams in Scotland with the extra local competition would really help the Caps but once again it looks like they will be non starters on being able to compete this year.

I think Fife will have it rough in the league this year but like the Stars did last year they will come back next year and get better.

The Clan look like they should be dangerous this year, I'm really looking forward to the Clan games.


Re: Caps shirt misunderstanding

I don't believe for one minute the league will step in until the Capitals situation starts affecting other teams, specifically the Panthers and to a lesser extent the Giants and even possibly the Blaze.

If Panthers suddenly only get 2000 to a weekend game against the Capitals for instance, that probakbly will be the straw that breaks the camels back so to speak. I believe we were lucky last season in that we played the Capitals 3 or 4 times before they lost all their players. I think the last home game we managed to get on groupon so the crowd was quite impressive.

Whether we can do that again this season I don't know, we don't look like we're going to be so lucky with the fixtures and I honestly cannot see the Capitals situation improving as the season goes on...



Well-Known Member
Was the company in question the Caps main sponsor? What hasn't been established is if this company was their main sponsor.
Just to keep everyone who cares up to date

Last year Scott Neil was the owner, GM, coach, PR man and did just about every back office job at the club - a sure way to make sure nothing gets done and no way for a business to operate.

As of now:

Matthew Tailford and Scott Neil are directors of the limited company Capitals Hockey Ltd that is Edinburgh Capitals
Matthew Tailford, Scott Neil and Raymond Lumsden actually own the company in that they have financial investment.

Len Wilcox will be the General Manager and deal with the daily running of the club and finances along with Raymond. Scott Neil will assist in the short term until Len is up to speed. There will be tasks that both Scott and Len are involved with.

Scott Neil will also be responsible for on-ice activities and player related matters. He will be involved with the coaching as well.

Richard Hartmann will continue to be player/coach.

So I'm sure this will be a better all-round arrangement. The new GM has been quoted as saying he wants us to bring in at least 1000 fans a night and qualify for the playoffs. I don't know what his strategy for attaining these objectives are yet, hopefully we'll hear soon.
Sounds like for the first time in a very long time something positive is coming out of the caps camp and there heading in the right direction. Wish them all the best!
Well if that doesn't lay the blame clearly at Scott Neil's feet I don't know what will.

A chance to have investment, and a proven manager, thrown away because he wants his fingers in the pie still.

Feel very sorry for the Caps fans :/


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but Scott Neil is acting like a complete Muppett. Words just fail me as to how stupid he is being. How can he possibly make such demands when he has obviously made such a pigs ear of doing it in past?

Better they fold now or be kicked out of the league because he is just continuing to make a laughing stock of the Capitals and UK Ice Hockey whilst he has a team of no-hopers in the EHIL.


Active Member
Dear lord, and we thought Ragan was bad. He has thrown away a chance for decent investment and management to boost his ego. Better the club fold and someone else step in to run the franchise.

Edinburgh should be a hotbed of Hockey, and after this length of time Caps should be a force in this league. May as well hand them the wooden spoon now.