What are the import rules in the ENL? (and EPL)


New Member
Thread starter #1
There was a Raiders fan going nuts at the officials (and stewards :roll: ) a few weeks ago about imports during an ENL Devils game but i couldn't see his problem. Someone bought it up on the McMorrow thread (import rules not nutter Raiders fans :lol: ) but i thought I'd give the question some space.

Also who counts as an import for the ENL Devils? Pope & Sedlak. Any more?
pretty sure in enl they can have up to 2 imports and only one is allowed on at a time so if one is in the penalty box the other can't ice until the penalty is finished and the player gets back to the bench i believe the epl rule is 4 imports and only 3 on the ice at a time but thats not definate


Well-Known Member
Mark666 said:
There was a Raiders fan going nuts at the officials (and stewards :roll: ) a few weeks ago about imports during an ENL Devils game but i couldn't see his problem. Someone bought it up on the McMorrow thread (import rules not nutter Raiders fans :lol: ) but i thought I'd give the question some space.

Also who counts as an import for the ENL Devils? Pope & Sedlak. Any more?

You can only have 1 import on the ice at one time. In that game. Sedlak was in the box serving a pen (and that counts as being in the ice) and Poper was on the ice. That is why they were going nuts as it should have been a penalty..


New Member
Thread starter #7
Well that explains the rage then. Fair enough. :oops:

I suppose that's why some teams have them little flags of where they come from on their shirts. Saves the ref having to ask to see their passports. I wasn't sure about the Piggots. I heard they had Canadian parents but wasn't sure.

Thanks for the info all.
Looking on the old CJIHC website Ross Piggott is English and Luke Piggott has dual Canadian/British. This says to me that Luke was born in Canada but that his parents must be British to get the Dual?
ENL Devils imports:

Brent Pope - Canadian
Robert Sedlak - Slovakian

Other players that have played the game abroad as youngsters:

Ross Piggott - British (born in UK)
Luke Piggott - Dual nationality - Canadian/British (born in Canada, Parents British)
Jamie Dancey - Dual nationality - Canadian/British (born in Wales, Parents Canadian)
Tim Burrows - Dual nationality - German/British (born in Germany, Father British)

I think that's right anyway!
Thread starter #11
Wow. What a cosmopolitan bunch!

Its occurred to me that the definition of 'import' on the team sheet in the program is something along the lines of "Non EIHA trained" so i suppose its not where your born or who your folks are but more where you learnt your hockey. Would that be right?
Mark666 said:
Wow. What a cosmopolitan bunch!

Its occurred to me that the definition of 'import' on the team sheet in the program is something along the lines of "Non EIHA trained" so i suppose its not where your born or who your folks are but more where you learnt your hockey. Would that be right?
yes as long as you have been registered to play in britain for two years before the age of 18 you are classed as a brit if you take up the game late you have to apply for dispensation if you never played junior for instance
According to ENL rules -

"On mutual agreement by the teams taking part the maximum number of Non EIHA trained players to be dressed at any one fixture, will be no greater than 2".

So presume that means you could have more than 2 imports on the roster but only 2 per game?

dave said:
Mark666 said:
There was a Raiders fan going nuts at the officials (and stewards :roll: ) a few weeks ago about imports during an ENL Devils game but i couldn't see his problem. Someone bought it up on the McMorrow thread (import rules not nutter Raiders fans :lol: ) but i thought I'd give the question some space.

Also who counts as an import for the ENL Devils? Pope & Sedlak. Any more?

You can only have 1 import on the ice at one time. In that game. Sedlak was in the box serving a pen (and that counts as being in the ice) and Poper was on the ice. That is why they were going nuts as it should have been a penalty..
1 player on the ice at anyone time which includes (as has been mentioned on previous posts) serving "a minor or major penalty (but not a misconduct penalty)".
Could be the reason why Pope was on same time as Sedlak?