Thank you devils

Thread starter #1
For each and everyone of you who have played for the logo on the front this season thank you! You've come up against the best team in the country and run them so close more than once! I for one am proud to be a fan, after everything this season has thrown up to even make it this far is a hell of an achievement! That's why we love the devils and always will! Proud of you all!


Well-Known Member
noodlesboy said:
True grit shown by all. I'd take them all back! Or atleast buy them all a drink

Agree 100% with points 1 & 3. Congrats to the team for giving it their very best!
They played with heart, and never gave in until they were 120% knackered, thank you also from us, we have had a great end to the season.
pretty much what everyone else has said; THANK YOU!

I've had an amazing first season as a season ticket holder, thank you for the memories and the games. The whole team are warriors for going through what they have done this season. I wish all the best in the players' future wherever that will be. (I hope in a Devils jersey)


Well-Known Member
lankyian said:
For each and everyone of you who have played for the logo on the front this season thank you! You've come up against the best team in the country and run them so close more than once! I for one am proud to be a fan, after everything this season has thrown up to even make it this far is a hell of an achievement! That's why we love the devils and always will! Proud of you all!
Well said, good luck for the summer and exams etc: enjoy your break and stay fit. :pickle :Banana


Well-Known Member
Result of this mornings game is irrelevant. Despite all the odds the Devils fought their way to the playoff weekend. Their team spirit, solidarity and pride reflect the true values of this fantastic sport. Thankyou Devils . Next season is too far away!
lankyian said:
For each and everyone of you who have played for the logo on the front this season thank you! You've come up against the best team in the country and run them so close more than once! I for one am proud to be a fan, after everything this season has thrown up to even make it this far is a hell of an achievement! That's why we love the devils and always will! Proud of you all!

We've had a great group of guys who've played for the logo on the front and not their names on the back this season. Some playing through injuries and not wanting to let the fans down.

I'd love to see them all back next year, with a few enforcers and take the treble from Nottingham!

Have a great summer guys, good luck with weddings and exams and see you in August! :Banana :pickle