Spare programmes to go

Thread starter #1
As many of you know i have another thread on here where if listed what programmes i need to complete my collection but i have got a huge pile of doubles to get rid of to anyone else collecting and missing a few.

Im in the process of making a full list of all the home game ones i have. Feel free to message me with what you need and i can see if i have it or i can send you the list once completed.

Cheers to all that have helped me so far an i hope to help other soon :D


Well-Known Member
Will bring the ones I have for you Saturday. I have a list to so will PM you or reply here tomorrow to see if you have any that I need.
Thread starter #3
List completed. I have 291 to go to a good home.

I have programmes from 1987 - 2006

Let me know if you need anything :D