Retired Numbers


Active Member
Thread starter #1
The rumour mill is slowly moving through the gears now, regarding who is staying, moving on or retiring. The topic of retiring jerseys has popped up too.
NHL teams retire a jersey approximately once every ten years. The Montreal Canadiens lead the way with 21 jerseys retired. In contrast, the Leafs have only retired 2, though many more jerseys hang from the rafters after being honoured.
In baseball, the New York Yankees have retired 21 numbers which includes every single digit.
What do people think should be the requirement for the Devils to retire a jersey? Should we also honour rather than retire in some cases?


Well-Known Member
Longevity of service/loyalty is usually one of the main criteria. Although sometimes very special players with an exceptional legacy are honoured with a jersey retirement.

There are two or three former Devils from the past whose jerseys I would love to see retired...but one is still playing and another has his number used by a current player!

Wall or Hall of Fame is a fitting way to honour many players who have made a difference.
I love the idea of honouring jerseys. Even the clan's wall of fame idea is a good way to honour players (despite only being around for 5 minutes). I also like the thought of naming seating blocks after players but that could get confusing. There are other ways of honouring players without retiring jerseys. That should be kept as a top top honour.


Well-Known Member
Just an idea why not put framed photos on the wall around blocks 6 to 10, at least it would break up the sterile white. Just a thought


Well-Known Member
Just an idea why not put framed photos on the wall around blocks 6 to 10, at least it would break up the sterile white. Just a thought
The thing is it’s a multi purpose arena, a few big Devils logos might help, a few photos in the bar would be neat.