Random Thread... Anyone like thrash metal?

Thread starter #1
As the title suggests, just curious as to whether we have any thrash metal fans on here...
How far would you travel to see such a show approx 3.5 hrs long and how much would you likely pay?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
'Pends who it was and how you classify thrash vis-a-vis speed or hardcore etc. I'd travel to see Metallica or Slayer but not one of these new pretenders like Municipal Waste.

I like Soilwork and Meshuggah best.


Active Member
Depends on how good the bands were, and how easy to get to.

I'd probably go as far as Cardiff or Newport for a decent lineup, if I could get some mates together.
Yeah, quite traditional 80's type thrash. I wouldn't listen to a CD of theirs because Slayer did the same thing better a quarter of a century ago. A couple of pints and a live show of theirs would be worth a punt though!
like heavy metal Like Metallica but not in to all this roaring and screaming in the mic instead of clear lyrics and great riffs.

Love AC/DC and similar rock. Stone sour have a good sound and i go as Heavy as Slipknot as you can stiill actually understand there lyrics
My metal tastes are very European these days. I find sometimes you're better off not understanding metal lyrics as they can be cringeworthy. Witness Bolt Thrower. Great band, sing rubbish. My band of the moment is Kvelertak (see Blodtørst on Youtube) who sing in Norwegian!