Osaer leaves Devils

helloimclaire said:
So they get rid of our netminder a day before a game? Well done. Luckily we only have Capitals to play but I seriously hope we have someone in before next weekend. No offence to Joe and as much as he did a superb job against Steelers in that nothing CC game, we won't do well against Panthers and Steelers next weekend.

Great timing once again! Why bother getting rid of people now?! We still need to find our 11th import for the rest if the season nevermind focusing on getting rid of players. It's gone too far into the season now.
So you KNOW that the club got rid of Phil ??
there's a team someware in norway can't beleave there luck at picking up a netty at this time of year of phils standing, likewise, ware do we pick up a netty at this time of year that has 4 months free, because if he's out there, he's probably not up to much. if G & F pull this one off, it will be there finest achievement to date.
bluedevil said:
According to G last night he did have a say in it.
I'm sorry but if the decision to release a quality netminder before getting a replacement sorted at this stage of the season, when the popular opinion is that the defence is not performing as expected, is a coaching decision my dick is a turbot. This stinks of Ragan sticking his "for the good of the business" oar in despite knowing less than bugger all about the actual game.
We have lost 4 players this year, one was crap, one was released to free up some cash apparently and 2 have gone for reasons unknown. Stinks.
Gingers Husband said:
bluedevil said:
According to G last night he did have a say in it.
I'm sorry but if the decision to release a quality netminder before getting a replacement sorted at this stage of the season, when the popular opinion is that the defence is not performing as expected, is a coaching decision my dick is a turbot. This stinks of Ragan sticking his "for the good of the business" oar in despite knowing less than bugger all about the actual game.
We have lost 4 players this year, one was crap, one was released to free up some cash apparently and 2 have gone for reasons unknown. Stinks.
Or Phil had a good offer from Norway? If G sat in the meeting last night and lied about Ragan not having involvement then he is a good liar, he did not look like he was.
G said last night that he and Phil have had discussions and that things hadn't worked out on both sides (as well as expected).
So based on that it was an amicable decision between player and coach and that a further discussion would take place at 10:00 this morning.
G said his replacement would be an import.
Not sure how PR had any infulence on this decison.

G is an honest man, I doubt very much if he would be here this morning after his boss sat next to him last night stating that he (PR) does not makes any on-ice decisions when in fact he does. It was clearly stated that G was in control of the budget and on-ice performance.
bluedevil said:
Or Phil had a good offer from Norway? If G sat in the meeting last night and lied about Ragan not having involvement then he is a good liar, he did not look like he was.
If Phil had received a decent offer from Norway then surely he would have worked his 2 week notice and allowed G & Franny to find a replacement. The fact that rumours have been doing the rounds but no official announcement was made suggests that Phil has had to approach the Norwegian club to find himself a place rather than the other way round.
jodysstillagirlsname said:
But would Phil have considered the offer if he felt his job was secure here ?
My job is secure but boring. I'd go to Norway for a better job! If he's not happy, secure or not, my guess is he'd go.

Have Hope#35

Well-Known Member
Martynwo said:
G said last night that he and Phil have had discussions and that things hadn't worked out on both sides (as well as expected).
So based on that it was an amicable decision between player and coach and that a further discussion would take place at 10:00 this morning.
G said his replacement would be an import.
Not sure how PR had any infulence on this decison.

G is an honest man, I doubt very much if he would be here this morning after his boss sat next to him last night stating that he (PR) does not makes any on-ice decisions when in fact he does. It was clearly stated that G was in control of the budget and on-ice performance.
If this is as you say an 'amicable decision between player and coach' then I would like to think that they would have discussed the situation of Osaer being replaced... Because if it was amicable both parties should help each other, G lets Osaer go but only if he has the time to replace him? Therefore I either expect a new goalie by next weekend or this is just yet another cover-up!
Martynwo said:
helloimclaire said:
So they get rid of our netminder a day before a game? Well done. Luckily we only have Capitals to play but I seriously hope we have someone in before next weekend. No offence to Joe and as much as he did a superb job against Steelers in that nothing CC game, we won't do well against Panthers and Steelers next weekend.

Great timing once again! Why bother getting rid of people now?! We still need to find our 11th import for the rest if the season nevermind focusing on getting rid of players. It's gone too far into the season now.
So you KNOW that the club got rid of Phil ??
lets get behind Joe and be positive.


Active Member
mikewazowski said:
Martynwo said:
helloimclaire said:
So they get rid of our netminder a day before a game? Well done. Luckily we only have Capitals to play but I seriously hope we have someone in before next weekend. No offence to Joe and as much as he did a superb job against Steelers in that nothing CC game, we won't do well against Panthers and Steelers next weekend.

Great timing once again! Why bother getting rid of people now?! We still need to find our 11th import for the rest if the season nevermind focusing on getting rid of players. It's gone too far into the season now.
So you KNOW that the club got rid of Phil ??
lets get behind Joe and be positive.

Lets go deadpuck


Well-Known Member
Whatever the story here lets hope that the discussions between G and Phil have been going on for long enough for the club to search for a replacement. Hopefully there may be someone in Europe or with European entry which can speed the process up......God knows what sort of experience level at this stage in the season.

No wonder PR said it would be a major achievement to reach Playoff weekend. Looks like we might need a miracle to do it.


New Member
Wasn't it said when Phil rejoined this year that he would have the involvement of his Norwegian goalie coach and that he would also have an input into practice sessions. If it is a disagreement between him and G that is behind this then I would guess the conspiracy is no deeper than a disagreement linked to this and maybe some questions over his performance, which has at times maybe not lived up to his fully deserved reputation. Also, as he seems to have close links to Norway a move back over there is hardly surprising, especially if options were limited at this time of year, it's not exactly a bad place to live.
I also doubt this came out of the blue to anyone however, so I too will be surprised if a good replacement is not in place pretty quickly. As suggested above, Someone already in the UK, or certainly in the EU would make sense and I hope this will be the case, but we shall see.
Wannabe2 said:
Believe me Osaer was pushed, he was on a two yr contract and would have seen it out. Make no bones about it he was PUSHED, and from a great height.
I'm with Glyn on this one, Phil is a good & honourable guy if he wanted out he would have worked his notice not up sticks & go