

Re: Mnl

Sorry we couldn't run Mnl tonight. It's been a bit of a perfect storm of everyone who would normally run it being unavailable. OJ is on holiday and Chris is in London and without Internet a lot of the time. Should be on for tomorrow night though.
Re: Mnl

Old saying You'll never miss the water til the well runs dry.
I have really missed MNL when not available recently. Really appreciate the time, effort and expertise put into mnl as it is often the only way I can keep in contact with the game out here in France. Managed the occasional web cast but not always possible in company but mnl on the little tablet is great. Thanks again and looking forward to tonight's game against the Blaze
Re: Mnl

MNL will be up and running next weekend i am back in Cardiff by Sundays game that is if I haven't melted by then. Can we have a 4 polnt weekend please.