How much toughness and by who next season.

Koop11 said:
Team toughness all the way. Gone is the out and out enforcer role in this league. Frank is tough but can play. So could Voth. I’d be happy if we signed Frank as our ‘fighter’ next season and have a couple of middle weight type players who are prepared to step up when required (Tylor/Finnerty/Pirpich style players). Using an import on a Shape type player is a total waste.
I agree with Pleximan..."team toughness" sounds great in theory but in practice what does it mean ? That the majority of the team will stand-up for each other...never seen it ! The nearest you'll get is when you have 3 or 4 on each line perhaps ...who won't allow opponents to take liberties with his linemates.'ll find the best examples in team's that can really play....where the tough guys have ice hockey ability, are motivated to win every match night..... and know they are capable of winning. Just like ourselves with Voth, Weller, Michel and Adams.....and this year's Giants.

So IMHO that would rule out Finnerty and Pirpich.
As for team toughness, probably the most succesful devils team i can remember was in the superleague era with plenty of tough guys in it Macwilliam (best enforcer ever in britain in my opinion), matulik, pope, frank evan and probably a few more i havent mentioned.


Well-Known Member
The Devils were a special team last year and were lucky - there was toughness and grittiness at every level and size class throughout the team...from Vother to Tylor.
I don't recall any instances where the opposition were allowed to take liberties with the team - there would be several players prepared to step in at any time.

Many of those players moved on, and losing Brad and Maxi this year has compromised that toughness. Pressure on just a few guys now to do that job. Hopefully, G can re-instate much more of that grittiness next season, but in the usual way of skill first, physicality second.