Hand announces GB squad


Well-Known Member
If Tony Hand had seen BEN irritate Nottingham's NHLer on Sunday night Ben would be in the main squad and not a reserve. There are a few selected who are now a bit slow and heavy - the speed and skills of ben would be refreshing?


You have to question Longstaffs inclusion. He looked slow and heavy in the Elite and hasn't stood out when I've seen him in the ENL either.


Well-Known Member
However we have a game that weekend so personally I'd prefer Ben not to go but that's purely selfish. Perhaps TH can persuade Ben to pass the puck!!
It would be amazing if they could qualify. Team GB in the Olympics would be better for attracting new fans than anything else I can think of. Think of the coverage the men's gold medal game got last time.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Sheila whilst I feel for likes of Ben and Batchy whilst they get overlooked it helps us but taking that out I am surprised both miss out again.
Not too many names there that don't pick themselves but I would think the guys that Ben would be better than are Garside and punchbag Hewitt but I guess when you play for the clubs they do that seems to earn you more stripes.