Franny and Sullivan to return

Thread starter #1
So it appears franny and Paul Sullivan are back on board for next season.

I think it's great having Franny back (however a bit concerned of having a part time person involved does not really show as much ambition as I hoped for)

I really question the motive for having PS back though. I understand there was an issue between PR and PS but seeing what he did to in my opinion try to kill off the club TWICE (WNIR days and this season), what will stop him doing it again when he throws his toys out the pram.

Not a personal issue from me to either as I only know them both vaguely and my PS references are mainly taken from what I see posted here and on twitter etc.

Before the usual posters rip in to me the reason I know this to be true is that I work for a previous sponsor who has been approached by the above mentioned to arrange meetings to discuss next season.

I for one to quote Glynne just want 'happy hockey days' in Cardiff and my opinion is politics from the past need to be left there.

On a happy note to finish however I think it's great having TK on board and exciting times coming our way
Agree with this.

@sullydevil has had such a lot to say that has been derogatory and frankly - unnecessary.

I quite got used to @thedevilmumbles and think he did a great job last season. Nice to see him on away trips too.

If we are to move forward - we must leave the past behind - AKA Paul Sullivan

Let Whis decide on Franny
I agree the past should be left in the past, but I would specifically like to leave last season behind. The off ice product improved as last season went on, but it never got close to matching previous standards, something highlighted in Gs testimonial match.

If Paul coming back means the rest of the match night team are returning then this is great for the overall standard of the match night experience.

If it wasn't for people like Paul pointing out the issues with the previous regime would PR have felt the need to sell?

It's hard to comment on Franny without knowing his role, however someone with his passion and loyalty being with the club must be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
On the flip side I would also like to see Kris Agland stick about as he also brought a far more expansive social media presence and enhanced communications package. Despite being a mouth piece for the evil empire he seemed to put in a lot of effort and contributed a lot to increasing web exposure for the club. I think he did a good job.
bluedevil said:
If it wasn't for people like Paul pointing out the issues with the previous regime would PR have felt the need to sell?
Good point.

Watching from a distance, I can see why PS might have irritated people with his comments, but don't let that obscure the fact that he was right all along. It's a bit churlish to now have a go at him for being negative.


Well-Known Member
I must have missed something but where does it confirm this?

Either way, great to have Paul Sullivan back. We can now return to having one of if not the best match night productions in the league.

People had a problem with Paul Sullivan because he was very vocal about problems that were occurring that people simply didnt believe. Every thing mentioned by PS was in fact the complete truth and Ragan was the liar. There now shouldnt be any issue with PS. He stood up for unpaid and badly treated players - great to have someone like that back in the organisation.


Well-Known Member
I thought a "fresh start" also meant not carrying over personal vendetta's against people?

Everyone seems to agree that Todd Kelman is the best guy for the job after his great job in Belfast. Yet now people are suggesting he can't even make the best decisions on who to hire for various jobs?

Call me a cynic, but I find it very unlikely that LordOfBridgend is a brand new poster on here. The question would then be why they would want to create a new account to talk specifically about other people?


Well-Known Member
Lordofbridgend said:
So it appears franny and Paul Sullivan are back on board for next season.

I think it's great having Franny back (however a bit concerned of having a part time person involved does not really show as much ambition as I hoped for)

I really question the motive for having PS back though. I understand there was an issue between PR and PS but seeing what he did to in my opinion try to kill off the club TWICE (WNIR days and this season), what will stop him doing it again when he throws his toys out the pram.

Not a personal issue from me to either as I only know them both vaguely and my PS references are mainly taken from what I see posted here and on twitter etc.

Before the usual posters rip in to me the reason I know this to be true is that I work for a previous sponsor who has been approached by the above mentioned to arrange meetings to discuss

I for one to quote Glynne just want 'happy hockey days' in Cardiff and my opinion is politics from the past need to be left there.

On a happy note to finish however I think it's great having TK on board and exciting times coming our way
Sorry mate but I also stood outside the WNIR every Sunday come rain or shine, and I most certainly didn't do that to harm the very club I love, and others didn't take that view either, that shows a total disrespect to people who,s only vice was to care. It's not now about personnel, it's about the well being of our club. That is all that matters now, and that is what should be first and foremost in every bodies eyes. We have the opportunity here to see our club blossom again, let's focus on that and not be sidelined by dribble.
Ocko said:
I must have missed something but where does it confirm this?

Either way, great to have Paul Sullivan back. We can now return to having one of if not the best match night productions in the league.

People had a problem with Paul Sullivan because he was very vocal about problems that were occurring that people simply didnt believe. Every thing mentioned by PS was in fact the complete truth and Ragan was the liar. There now shouldnt be any issue with PS. He stood up for unpaid and badly treated players - great to have someone like that back in the organisation.


Well-Known Member
Quite frankly I don’t care who has what roles outside of the team. However, I don’t want to see the current staff of the Devils club being tarnished with PR/BPs brush. These guys have worked very hard in difficult circumstances and I think it’s important that this is acknowledged.

I remember once Chris Hartry at a forum held in Gretsky’s feeling he had to defend his position to a group of fans who had taken exception to Bob Phillips’ running of the club. His response was simply along the lines that I’m just making a living and doing my job. The same situation applies to the current Devils staff.

At the end of the day, Todd Kelman is the MD and whatever decision he makes in terms of recruiting the team around him should be respected. If that’s means the return of some old faces then they should be welcomed like any other.
Wannabe2 said:
Sorry mate but I also stood outside the WNIR every Sunday come rain or shine, and I most certainly didn't do that to harm the very club I love, and others didn't take that view either, that shows a total disrespect to people who,s only vice was to care. It's not now about personnel, it's about the well being of our club. That is all that matters now, and that is what should be first and foremost in every bodies eyes. We have the opportunity here to see our club blossom again, let's focus on that and not be sidelined by dribble.

I find it very interesting you would take this view given your strong and very valid views of this year. I think we are in danger of a select group of Devils fans installing themselves as the conscious of the fan base, and this is not healthy. It almost appears as now you have the outcome everyone wanted, that everything must now go back to being rosy and we are not to question.

If people have valid concerns about past experiences with certain members then they should be encouraged to air their views. Much like my defense of Chillee's views on the building of the ice rink, I may not agree with them but it is not pertinent to dismiss them because of this; like so many have attempted to do.

I would suggest as any role in the Devils business is a customer facing role, if there are customers who feel their service will be hampered by a member of staff then they should definitely bring that to the attention of the business they wish to invest their money in. So long as this is done in a sensible, rational, respectful fashion, otherwise it is personal bluster which is unhelpful to anyone.

We need now more than ever to be united in healthy debate. Again I need to stress this needs to be debate engaged with rounded and reasoned arguments. Telling people to not say something because you do not believe it or agree with it is really not going to make this forum very interesting or useful for any of us.


Well-Known Member
Would be great to get Paul back on match nights, loved the job he did.

Also want the drummers back behind Mike, bring back the old atmosphere.

however if Paul Sullivan is coming back, he needs to be banned from the inferno, twitter, facebook and generally talking to anyone outside of the 3 hours on a match night, as apart from the service he delivers, he will cause our club more harm than good.