FOR SALE (I think) - Voth, Matulik, Romaniuk

Thread starter #1
I'm wavering to keep or not, so don't be surprised if I decide to keep them.

Voth - Red with D logo 2009-10 - £275
Voth - White set 2 2009-10 - £275
Matulik - Black Coca Cola Playoffs 2003 - £295 (original buyer paid £1000 at auction)
Romaniuk - White Playoffs 2005 - £295

If your interested I can be contacted at

Thread starter #3
PRICE DROP - FOR SALE (I think) - Voth, Matulik, Romaniuk

I'm wavering to keep or not, so don't be surprised if I decide to keep them.

Voth - Red with D logo 2009-10 - SOLD
Voth - White set 2 2009-10 - £275
Matulik - Black Coca Cola Playoffs 2003 - £275 (original buyer paid £1000 at auction)
Romaniuk - White Playoffs 2005 - £275

If your interested I can be contacted at

Thread starter #4
PRICE DROP - Voth, Matulik, Romaniuk

Voth - Red with D logo 2009-10 - SOLD
Voth - White set 2 2009-10 - £250
Matulik - Black Coca Cola Playoffs 2003 - £250 (original buyer paid £1000 at auction)
Romaniuk - White Playoffs 2005 - £250
Thread starter #5
PRICE REDUCTIONS - Voth, Matulik, Romaniuk

Centre Ice said:
I'm wavering to keep or not, so don't be surprised if I decide to keep them.

Voth - Red with D logo 2009-10 - SOLD
Voth - White set 2 2009-10 - £250
Matulik - Black Coca Cola Playoffs 2003 - £250 (original buyer paid £1000 at auction)
Romaniuk - White Playoffs 2005 - £250

If your interested I can be contacted at

Thread starter #7
Bump for these Devils legends

Matulik - Black Coca Cola Playoffs 2003 - £235 (original buyer paid £1000 at auction)
Romaniuk - White Playoffs 2005 - £235
Thread starter #10
Centre Ice said:
I'm wavering to keep or not, so don't be surprised if I decide to keep them.

Voth - Red with D logo 2009-10 - £275
Voth - White set 2 2009-10 - £275
Matulik - Black Coca Cola Playoffs 2003 - £295 (original buyer paid £1000 at auction)
Romaniuk - White Playoffs 2005 - £225

If your interested I can be contacted at
