Devils Vs Panthers - 16/01/14 - 7:30pm Face off - Chat


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Tonight see's the Devils continue their crazy run of games whilst short benched taking on the Nottingham Panthers at home in the BBT.

We will be running the “ridiculously childish and disgustingly biased” and “Pantomime Script” like Match Night Live service for this game, expect name calling, slurs and one eyed bias in epic proportions, at the usual location of but if it turns out like Sunday did I may lose focus a bit.

We will be updating you live from the Inferno “News desk” at the rink thanks to the great guys at Analysis Technologies. If you’d like to chip in with a comment or make a score prediction you can contact us at

Also if you can't make it down and you don't want to miss any of the action and reading the game isn’t enough you can get the on Devils live TV here for a jolly reasonable £8


Well-Known Member
Now I am totally confused..... Is it confirmed that we have signed Cesky? And is he in just for this game or is he the European forward that we are announcing tomorrow!?????


Well-Known Member
Wannabe2 said:
Apparently he aint the forward flying in, he is in for tonight, keep up it aint difficult. :lol:

Excellent so to summarise.....

Cesky is in tonight but out on Sunday
Cook is out tonight but may be in Sunday
New NM is in tonight but may be out Sunday
New forward is out tonight but in Sunday
Mark Smith is out tonight but in for Scotland
New D Man is out tonight but in Sunday
Hayes is in tonight but out Sunday
Ritchie is out tonight but in soon
Morissette is out tonight but in very soon

I love the Devils Hokey Cokey.......


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know Jake's actual injury? A bit naive I guess but I kind of expected him to be stitched up & returned very quickly.


Sheincar said:
Does anyone know Jake's actual injury? A bit naive I guess but I kind of expected him to be stitched up & returned very quickly.
He's had stitches in the face which I assume would lead to him wearing a full face mask for a bit but I think he was also concussed after the hit so would need to sit out for a week or two.
Best of luck tonight guys. Hopefully, Kosowski will be up to the challenge. It's a big offensive team to play against for his first game.
Final score, Cardiff Devils 8-4 Nottingham Panthers.

4 goals from Kurka, 2 from lord, and 1 each from Batch and Myers.

Great result guys, well done.


Well-Known Member
Great result by the lads tonight, not only beating but winning in style. Panthers never really had a answer to our never say die approach. Our imports were terrific, but how good are our British lads they never ever let us down, anyway thank you everyone of you for a great entertaining night, one happy bunny with the players.
Fantastic performance by a team that for some had only had one training session together.

Every Devils player shovelled a lot a sand tonight and the Devils repaid the vocal support in bucket loads - thanks guys for a wonderful performance.

Have no problem with Kalus getting kicked out or with Batch getting put in the bin for having word in Kalus' shell-like. Benedict could have been called for 3rd man in, but Briadway Tom was having problems getting his notebook out if his trousers.

Chris Murray should count himself very lucky and put Mr Darnell to the top of his Christmas card list. Murray should have been kicked out before the Kalus incident for a deliberate kick to another player (could have been Faulkner on the receiving end not sure). Darnell watched it all unfold and then chose not to do anything about it. I've seen a lot of ice hockey over the years and have never seen anything so disgusting. Even in Junior ice hockey, kicking an opponent is considered to be one of THE WORST offences a player can commit.

If that's how Big Doug wants his players to perform, then any respect I ever had for the guy has evaporated - this is ice hockey Doug not MMA on ice - get your sh*t together.


Well-Known Member
A fantastic hardworked and gritty win. The Boys lead the game and completed in style. The Hockey Gods were on our side tonight despite Darnell trying to upset them. Ben in the box for 'slashing' Henley? Oh dear.

A chance to see some of our new players tonight - Kosowski, Cesky and Preece all played well.

Am sure the Panthers thought it was going to be as easy as their fans expected it to be. They can't expect to win 9-2 and the opposing team not put up a terrific fighting performance at the next meeting.