DEVILS fans are you interested in doing an interview

Thread starter #1
I am a journalism masters student at Cardiff met doing a piece on ice hockey and the devils. I was wondering if anyone would be up for doing a video interview or sending me audio of themselves answering the following questions

Why do people go to ice hockey?
How long have they followed the Devils?
What got you into the devils?
When was your first devils game and what was it like?
Why do you keep going to devils games?
What draws you into going?
Why are people interested in it?

The article will be published on my university blog page next Wednesday at 1pm.

If interested please reply to this thread it would be a big help for my article. Cheers a newbie devils fan


Active Member
Hi @Kasey123,

Sorry I missed this last week. As a post grad journalism alumni myself (JOMEC - many moons ago!), I appreciate it can be difficult sometimes to get interviews sorted. I guess it's too late on this occasion, but anytime in the future you need someone to discuss ice hockey (or commercial energy markets - the day job!), just give me a shout. Happy to help!

All the best with your masters.