Devils complete import roster lineup

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CARDIFF Devils have completed their import ice hockey roster for 2010-11, writes Terry Phillips.

Canadian Kenton Smith has joined brother Mark on the Devils’ blue line.

Kenton is the offensive D-man wanted by coach Gerad Adams. He played for Manchester Phoenix in Elite League two seasons ago, scoring seven goals with 32 assists in 52 matches.

Last season, he played for Valpellice in the Italian League.

Brother Mark, signed for Devils from Edinburgh Capitals, is a solid, consistent defenceman.

They are joined on D by Mark Richardson (pictured), rated among the best British players in Elite League, coach Adams and new Canadian signing Justin Sawyer.

The 6ft 6ins Sawyer is a stay-at-home defenceman who will back up Cardiff’s main enforcer Brad Voth. Sawyer had 29 fights while playing for Bloomington Prairie Thunder last season.

Adams still has one more player to be confirmed for next season and that is Gwent’s Alex Symonds.

Cardiff Devils play their first match at Cardiff Bay Ice Arena at the end of August when Coventry Blaze are visitors.

That is on Saturday, August 28 (7pm) and Devils are also at home on each of the next two Saturdays – against Hull Stingrays on Saturday, September 4 and Dundee Stars on Saturday, September 11.

Cardiff’s first line at the start of the season is likely to be centreman Scott Matzka between Max Birbraer and Jon Pelle, while Ryan Finnerty will partner Phil Hill and Voth.

Stuart Macrae is to play alongside 6ft 3ins Tylor Michel plus 6ft 3ins Sam Smith or Ben Davies on the third line.

Devils have already sold more than 650 season tickets for the new season.


Well-Known Member
Decent player but I was hoping that we might still get Wes back.Bit of a long shot I know.Let's hope Kenton can fill Wes's and Tyson skates.


Well-Known Member
Despite my earlier suggestion that he was disappointing for Manchester, I'm hoping he is the defenceman who impressed me by regularly going coast-to-coast.

His stats are certainly pretty impressive with several seasons in the ECHL and a brief call-up to the AHL. If it wasn't for his Manchester spell possibly confusing me, I think we would all be very excited about this signing.

I asked for a top ECHL player with a bit of AHL experience - and that is exactly what we have got. It might also be worth remembering that when Jarvis first played for Basingstoke he didn't set the league alight and the Bison fans were very critical of him.

Also, am I right in thinking we have never won the league without brothers on our team?


Well-Known Member
I think it's a very good signing.

He was one from my wishlist on the back of his Manchester season.

He plays with grit and like I have said he is down right dirty (Garrow-esque) but his skating is very smooth and he always seemed to stand out on the Manchester D.
I actually think we will be getting a like-for-like replacement for Garrow and i'm happy with that.

I think it completes our d-corps nicely (assuming Symonds signs) and has made me further optimistic about our chances this season (which is remarkable as I couldn't see where the team structure was heading a month ago, big up to G's recruiting again).


Well-Known Member
A couple of interesting comments from Manchester fans on THF for those who aren't members:

mattski93 said:
Kenton has ECHL and AHL experience, but he was far from disappointing. In fact, he's arguably the best defencemen we've ever had. Possibly the most overlooked player in the Elite League two years ago, he made good things happen whenever he was on the ice and can move the puck with the best of them. I can't praise the man enough, he was a class act all the way.
Tambo said:
Got to go with Matt on this one. Devils are getting a good d man who is almost unflappable. Will finish his checks off but is deceptively fast at releasing the puck. Great in the locker room and a good driving force. Good off ice with the fans as well. Beware of his sense of humour though.

Good signing for Devils.
Very happy that my initial comment seems to have been proved wrong. :D
Decent signing for the Devils... I always thought Smith was the best the Phoenix had that season and Impressed me when I watched him play in Belfast...

Overall I think the Devils have a very talented roster this season.. Plenty of skill, good size, toughness, and players who you look at and think good leadership and experience as well... If Steve Lyle has a solid season in nets then I think the Devils could push the more recognised teams like the Blaze, Giants and Panthers close this year...
Any links to pics peeps ? us girls like to know what we're getting, in fact I think a female should be on the panel making the signing decisions
Any links to pics peeps ? us girls like to know what we're getting, in fact I think a female should be on the panel making the signing decisions
Well, my other half was almost on the verge of dribbling every time he was nearby if that's a guideline... :lol:

He's an outstanding defencemen, he really is. I'd put him in the same class as Neal Martin and Tyson Teplitsky, and that's not bias at all. Very professional too, her really wasn't enjoying himself in Valpellice last year for various reasons but didn't want to bail out on the team halfway through the season so saw it through to the end.
mattski93 said:
Any links to pics peeps ? us girls like to know what we're getting, in fact I think a female should be on the panel making the signing decisions
Well, my other half was almost on the verge of dribbling every time he was nearby if that's a guideline... :lol:
He's an outstanding defencemen, he really is. I'd put him in the same class as Neal Martin and Tyson Teplitsky, and that's not bias at all. Very professional too, her really wasn't enjoying himself in Valpellice last year for various reasons but didn't want to bail out on the team halfway through the season so saw it through to the end.
Thats all the confirmation I need ha ha, and he's a good player too :lol:


Well-Known Member
Batman said:
so has Ben actually signed now then as from what i am reading we have.
According to a poster on here last week they said they saw Ben and he confirmed he had signed but was not sure why it had not been announced?All idications on press reports seem to suggest this as only Symmonds keeps getting mentioned.
I guess he must be 10th forward with Smith having been earmarked for the 3rd line although I would like to think that with Towe having gone there will be more icetime for Ben to see his game improve.


Well-Known Member
mp43 said:
6 foot 3 tylor michel?
I remember standing with him in Belfast and either i grew quite a few inches that nite and drunk one too many or Tylor is shorter than 6ft!!! im sure its the latter but i did drink too much that nite!! :lol: