Brand New Comedy Night

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Hi guys,

No doubt most of you will have heard about this from Facebook, Twitter etc but just in case you don't:-

The Pilot on Queens Road, Penarth is introducing an entertainment first in Penarth for those who like to “Laugh out Loud”.
The Pub will commence Comedy Nights (LOL@ The Pilot) for those people who appreciate great comedy, in great company.
The event is this Saturday with some tickets still remaining.
The Night will consist of 4 acts, this will include a compere and 3 main acts all of who will have you "laughing out loud" all night.
Rob Riley, Marc Lucero, Rob Coleman and Steve Day Britain’s only Deaf Comic!
Tickets are £10 in advance or £12 on the door, and can be purchased
either online from or directly from the pub.

This was booked before the delightful Elite League decided to give us home fixtures on a Saturday so I know this will rule out lots of people!!! However if you know anyone who frequests Glee or Jongeleurs we would be grateful if you could mention the night to them on our behalf!!!

We want to pack the first one out so we can book another one for a date when Devils fans can have an option of coming lol :(