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    Alex Symonds

    Mainly black 2009/2010 season with certificate. Any offers.
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    Game tonight

    Right Sheffield are playing Belfast tonight and my head is spinning trying to work out points/positions etc... Does anyone know what the perfect result from tonights game would be the best for the Devils ? Thanks
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    Mr Darnell

    Seems we have Mr Darnell for the Cup game tomorrow and both games the weekend. What joy :D
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    Hull safe

    Stolen from THF Hull Stingrays to ice in the 2010/11 Elite Ice Hockey League The 2010/11 Elite Ice Hockey League will, after all, have a full complement of ten teams after the Coventry Blaze ownership team of Andy Buxton, Mike Cowley and Paul Thompson, along with Blaze General Manager, James...
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    Conpiracy theorys

    From what i can gather G wanted to play home on the Sunday and ''the club'' have overuled him ? Is this correct ? If so, shame on you club...or is this just the beginning of the end for G. If it is how underhanded can you get. We went through all this cloak and dagger bullcr*p last time. Dont...
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    Dear Elite Towers...Dear Brad

    Sorry to all fans on inferno fans but i REALLY need to rant. Mr French How stupid are you and the rest of your ''team'' high up in your little tower ?? Constantly this season certain clubs in this joke you call a league has been taking the mick (being polite) out of you and EVERY time you...
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    Me thinks McMorrow has a little crush on our #26 :lol: