You'll Never Guess how many of you looked !
Match Night live, the Inferno’s game night experience offers text based coverage of nearly all Devils games to fans of the Devils and visiting teams alike. We’ve had people from all over the Globe keep track of the scores with MNL and more than a few players families keep tabs on how they are getting on using the service.
It’s been called Childish by many and amazingly Biased by more than a few but it’s always there on game night when you need it when you need it.
Building on last seasons record numbers we are off to a flying start with Sunday night’s game against the Sheffield Steelers seeing near record traffic and sky rocketing the number of fans using the service to over 16,000 for the season!
The Match Night Live service can be found at the at www.theinferno.co.uk/mnl and if you’d like to help out with the game night or you’d like to hip in with some comments on game night please contact us at matchnightlive@gmail.com.
We are also up on Twitter for updates so it’s worth following us there on @InfernoMNL for game night scores and @theInfernoCoUK for random musings and updates on what’s happening on the Inferno.
Also if you’re feeling "flush" and you’d like to make a donation, of any size, to help keep this great service running the link to do so is here http://www.the-inferno.co.uk/donate/
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