Wales Vs Rest of the World

Hockey SCIPS Launch Press Release
Ice Hockey Supports Neonatal unit in UHW.
The Cardiff Bay Arena is delighted to host ‘Hockey SCIPS’, a charity game between Wales Select v Rest of the World on 18th August, 6pm. Proceeds from the event will go directly to the ‘Special Care Infant Parent Support’ group, which contributes to the care of very sick or premature babies, sometimes born as early as just 23 weeks.
The funds raised at the game will directly help the Neonatal unit at the University Hospital of Wales.
‘We are so thankful and excited for this big charity event that will combine welsh sport with raising awareness about 'special care babies' said Louise Bridge, speaking for SCIPS.
‘At the event we will show pictures of babies that have been cared for over the years and how they have developed now. This will be such a positive experience for parents that have been through the stressful time of having a baby that requires lifesaving care.’
There will be plenty to view on the ice too, as several Devils' favourites – and their opposite numbers – have agreed to play in the match.
For the Wales team none other than Jonathan Phillips, Mathew Myers and legendary Devil Nicky Chinn will ice while Kenton Smith, Mark Richardson and Jason Hewitt will be on the Rest of the World roster. Many more players will be announced in the coming days.
This particular cause is very close to the heart of the organiser of the event, and Head Coach of the Cardiff Devils NIHL team Mark Cuddihy as his own daughter, Mia, was cared for by the unit when she was born 2 months early.
“Having spent 4 weeks in the unit watching the incredible care the doctors and nurses give to each of the babies and parents, I just wanted to try and give something back.
I know the Cardiff ice hockey community is strong and they rally together when help is needed. This will be the first ice hockey game in the arena since the end of last season and we are hoping to warm up the fans ahead of the EIHL Devils pre-season schedule. I really hope we can sell as many tickets as possible and support this excellent cause.
I would like to thank all the players that have agreed to take part, especially Neil Francis, who has been fantastic in helping me organise the game. I would also like to thank Brent Pope, Devils MD, for allowing us to use the Devils website for publicity, Planet Ice for their generous help of this unique event and nutshell events for their support.’
Tickets will be on sale Monday 5th Aug at Cardiff Ice Arena. Cash only purchases are available, and the general-seating tickets can be bought on the day of the game. If you can’t attend but would like to support the cause you can donate by visiting http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1003617 and clicking ‘make a donation’
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