The Inferno Interview - Garrett Zemlak
Our latest interview is with no other than Garrett Zemlak shot stopper of Elite league newcomers the Fife Flyers. We've been wanting to interview some of the characters from around the league and Garrett Zemlak was at the top of our list.
There were some doubters in the summer when his signing was announced but these same doubters have gone from saying never to applauding him. Fifes first few games were tough but they are growing into the league with Garret in nets denying all comers. After saving a impressive 70 shots out of 72 against the fire-power of the Nottingham Panthers any doubt was fully extinguished.
At 22 (not 24 as we originally suggested..sorry), Zemlak has played mostly in the ECHL had a brief call up to the AHL and even been involved in some call ups to summer camps with NHL teams. He maybe young but he's got a huge career ahead of him and with the number of shots he's facing this year and the experience he's gaining we reckon he will have a great shot at making it back big in North America, Europe or anywhere he chooses to go.
Inferno (IF) - At what age did you first start playing hockey? Who were your inspirations or heroes when you were younger – and why did you want to be a goalie?
Garrett Zemlak (GZ) - I started a little later than most kids in Canada! My first year was when I was 8 years old, I could hardly skate as a forward but I Played my first Game in Net that year and got a shut-out. From then on it came natural and i got obsessed with being a goalie to say the Least! The year after than I went to my try outs as a goalie and have never looked back! My room was completely covered in Goalie posters and memorabilia and it’s all I thought about growing up... at the time I loved Dominic Hasek, Patrick Roy and Curtis Joseph...Not to Mention my parents... Looking back on it as your older you realize those are the true heroes of a hockey player...The time they spent in Freezing cold rinks drinking awful coffee just so I could have the time of my life....it’s really amazing... I owe so much to them for where I am now at this stage of my life.... but they will be the first to tell you i got here because of all the hard work i put in.... They are really humble amazing people!
IF - You spent last season with the Gwinnett Gladiators in the ECHL, how are you finding the Elite league compares to the standard of the ECHL ?
GZ - The ECHL is great hockey, with great organization and fans... There is some amazing talent in that League, There is a lot of movement because of the AHL and players are always being called up and sent down...it must be hard for a coach! I played very well when i got a chance to play a lot and be comfortable...but when I started to move around it took its toll on my body and mind... It was a tough first year of pro hockey but It made me a stronger person and stronger goalie! The Elite League has impressed me a lot! There are some great players and some great Atmospheres around the League.. I’m very happy I’ve got to play in it and see this part of the World!
IF - What influenced your decision to come to the UK? was the transition from a city just outside Atlanta to Fife an easy one ?
GZ - I was getting some ECHL offer's that was not that appealing.... It was pretty last minute and I knew after talking to my coach and agent that i was going to play the majority of the games, and to progress as a goalie that’s what you need. I lived all over the US last year and that was difficult sometimes. LA and Atlanta are HUGE places and it’s hard to feel at home and settle into places like that sometimes. I’m from a small city in Saskatchewan ... so I’m more comfortable in smaller cities as of right now.
IF - There’s no denying that it’s been a tough start for the Flyers this year stepping back up to the Elite level, how do you feel that the team are adapting? Are things going well?
GZ - This year has been interesting to say the least, We started off very slow, the local boys had been so used to a certain speed of the last league they played in that everyone seemed very overwhelmed at the start of the year, but the progression of everyone and the attitude of everyone has been amazing! This is a Great League and I know the Local boys who have been playing for Fife all these years and fans are really enjoying being a part of it! Things keep getting better every day.
IF - Obviously with you spending quite some time in the ECHL, how do the fans in the UK compare to the teams in North America?
GZ -Our Fans have been great, We have had a tough year but there support has been amazing...As far as on the road the crowds have been amazing also...Lots of Chanting and singing its very positive and uplifting for their home squads. I’ve also really appreciated the ovation I’ve been getting after games from the opposing fans... They truly love and appreciate being entertained. It’s awesome.
IF - What’s been your best moment playing hockey so far?
GZ - My best moment in hockey so far has got to be Spending time with the LA Kings, The NHL is such an outstanding and prestige League that being a part of it, Summer Camp, Training camp, Exhibition games and being around Legends of the game was incredible... It’s something every Canadian kid thinks about everyday growing up... and i still think about living out that dream. I work as hard as I can every game and every summer with a hope I can get back to the NHL someday !
IF - Who’s the best D you've had play in front of you? Also who’s the best forward you've played against ?
GZ - My 4 years in the WHL I played against so many great players who are starting their long NHL career's, Jordan Eberle, Ryan Nugent Hopkins, Brayden Schenn, Ryan Keller, Peter Mulerr, Martin Hanzel, Devin Setoguchi, Kriss Russel, Daren Helm, Ryan Getzlaf. Are just a few names I can think of that I played against? As far as the best Defence man I’ve played with I’d have to say Luke Schenn, We played together growing up, He is Strong, Mean and makes everything look easy, not to mention he’s a great kid and the future of the Toronto Maple Leafs!
IF-With all the recent changes in guys moving on from Fife and reports of some new blood coming into the fold, what we can expect from the Flyers in the run up to play-offs?
GZ - It was tough to loose Siddall and Hamilton, they were great players and even better team-mates. But that’s how hockey is. I think our team has taken the loss of those guys and have really become closer as a group. We have been playing great as of late and we gotta a couple new guys in to help out a bit.. I think if i keep playing as well as I have been and everyone keeps the great attitude, Fife will sneak into the play-offs and from there anything can happen.
IF - Do you follow an NHL team?
GZ - I kind of just follow and keep up with the teams my friends are on right now, Luke Schenn "Toronto" his brother Brayden "Philadelphia" LA obviously, I Love the NY Rangers also, but as far as being a one team die-hard fan I’d say no. I’m just a huge fan of the NHL.
IF - If you had to pick one part of your game you would improve, what would it be and why?
GZ - I keep things simple when I play the puck so I think that’s something I need to work on, being more dynamic when helping my Defence man out or passing to my forwards.
IF – So you’ve got a day off, what are you doing? What’s the ideal day outside of “work”?
GZ - I love going to the gym, it’s something that iv always done more that most goal tenders i think, So a day off would be, Go for a coffee, have a good workout, maybe followed by a movie. Or watch some TV series. "I’ve been into Dexter Lately” Then go out for a nice meal or make one at home. Maybe have a glass on Red Wine......Or Two. Haha.
IF - Are you one for superstitions and rituals pre-game? If you are would you comfortable telling us what they might be?
GZ - I used to be about superstitions growing up and they drove me crazy sometimes! Really weird stuff. But as Iv gotten more mature Iv realized that all the hard work and preparation doesn’t start when the puck drops...It starts long before that. In the Summer with training, or during the week with working out and practising and getting mentally prepared... so when the puck drops, I know I’m ready and that’s when your body and mind take over and you just play as hard as you can and have fun! Because you know you’re already mentally and physically prepared
IF -Can we ask if you’ve thought about next season as yet? Will you look to stay in the UK or take a step into Europe maybe?
GZ - I think iv played really well this year and hopefully I will get some good offers to play in some higher leagues around Europe. It’s hard to tell as of now, but the UK has been great and I would play in this League again if I found another good situation to help my Career. Some great teams and great cities. Im still young and want another shot at NA hockey also...so it’s tough to say right now. Hopefully I can find a place where I can keep playing lots and keep progressing every day.
We'd like to thank Garrett for taking the time out to speak with us, we'd also like to wish him all the best for the rest of the season and the next wherever he goes he really is one to watch.
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