Scotland Triple Header
This weekend the Devils are on the road for this seasons “Scottish Triple header “ following along with them are two coaches full of Devils supporters with Red Army Travel.
Friday the Devils take on The Dundee Stars
Saturday its the Fife Flyers
Sunday it the Edingburgh Capitals
The Scotland pickup times and weekend itinerary for the Red Army Travel trip are as follows.
We will be doing our best to run the “ridiculously childish and disgustingly biased” and “Pantomime Script” like Match Night Live service for these three games, expect name calling, slurs and one eyed bias in epic proportions, at the usual location of http://www.the-inferno.co.uk/mnl and will update on the forum once we know each game is going live
If you’d like to chip in with a comment, help out with sending updates from a game or make a score prediction you can contact us at matchnightlive@gmail.com
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