Q&A - ENL Devil Chris Hart
In the latest Q+A Article, the Inferno catch up with prospect D Man Chris Hart. Chris rejoins the ENL Devils after a short stint in the German Junioren-BL playing for RT Bad Nauheim U20. Hart known for his physical approach to the game and always on hand to help a team mate out in a tough situation. Hart began his junior hockey at an early age and has kept progressing along the way. He's been a constant presence within the Junior Devils and ENL team but is also training regular with the Elite Devils.
Chris gives us an insight into his junior career, a trip to Europe and what he wants to achieve in the next few years. We wish Chris all the best for the rest of the season and hopefully see him step up for the Elite if called upon.
Inferno: When did you start playing hockey and who got you involved? Have you always played on D?
Chris Hart ( CH ) I started playing hockey at the age of 7 after passing the skating lessons and a trial to become part of the Junior Devils under 10's. I have grown up with ice hockey like most people grow up with rugby or football, my parents started watching the Devils in the first season and so naturally I was brought down, and got hooked at a very young age! I have always had a very defensive style and as soon as I started playing competitive games at 9 that has been my position!
Inferno: What do you consider your best attribute and what would you like to improve on?
CH : I think for me my best attribute is the defensive side of my game, I hate conceding goals when I'm on the ice. I try to work from the back and if I can go with as few goals when I'm on the ice during a game I'm doing my job and helping the boys going up the ice.
I really want to start scoring a few goals here and there, I know I can do it, I think its just a case of being in the right place at the right time and they will come! But equally I don't want that to affect what I'm doing already so I need to be doing it at the right time, not when its going to cost the team!
Inferno: Development - how much has playing in the ENL developed you and helped you progress to where you are today? ENL head coach Mark Cuddihy has been impressive with developing the junior players to step up to the Elite team over the recent years- what do you think has helped with this achievement? Would you recommend any junior players/imports in the league or in Europe looking to make the jump to play for the ENL Devils?
CH:The ENL has helped me hugely, I played my first games when I was 16, and at the time it was a massive thing; everyone was bigger, stronger, and more experienced than me. But I think I handled it well enough to be given the chances more and more regularly, until the play-offs that year where I was given regular ice time which was fantastic for me! Cudds is a massive help and is always helping and supporting guys through the system!
I think Cardiff has one of the best systems in the UK and is on par with some in Europe. It is definitely a great place to learn and develop your game, all you have to do is look back at the players who have come through the Cardiff juniors / ENL to see this! I would defiantly recommend playing in Cardiff to those who asked me. You have to be committed to it otherwise someone will take your spot! I think also the ENL would be a good place for a young import to play and learn for a few years, it is a very different style to what is played in most of Europe, I think that playing in different styles can help a player develop their overall game!
Inferno: So you get a call from a team in Germany asking if you would be interested in playing, how did this come about and was there any old Devils coaches/players involved in their set up?
CH: This came up through Stefan Himmler who is the coach for the Bad Nauheim's U21's team. Stefan was involved in the Devils about 7 years ago as a website designer but he also ended up helping Dave Whistle coaching. He spent a lot of time on the ice with the juniors, and kept in touch with Cardiff ever since.
Inferno: How do you compare their U21 league to the ENL in terms of reffing/skill levels/the standard of hockey played?
CH: I think that the U21 league was more skilful and the puck was carried a lot more, but this was helped by the larger ice surfaces and the style that the players are developed! I think that the standard of hockey was about the same and I think if there were to be crossover games between the two leagues I don't think there would be a massive gap between them, the home team would always have a significant advantage!
For me I preferred the reffing, ENL / EIHA rules and style of play. There was a lot of very dirty play, slashing and bad hits in the U21 league, along with some very harsh penalties for fighting. It caused players to grind on each other more and more! This seems less in the ENL due to the calls and having a core of experienced EPL / ELITE league players playing.
Inferno: So you were on a 2 way contract with the Elite league last year, have you been offered this again as you're back or will you just be playing for the ENL?
CH: I wasn't actually on a 2 way last year although I was invited to train regularly with the elite league team. Since I came back G has been good enough to let me train full time with them again. But for the moment I will just be playing for the ENL team. I haven't yet played a game for the Devils, for me this is my personal short term goal that I would like to achieve in this / next season. long term I want to become a regular part of the Devils team but I have a lot of work left to do if I want to achieve that!
Inferno: How much has the training with the elite team helped you over the last year or two?
CH: Training with the elite league team has helped me huge amounts with my confidence and learning from players like Mike Hartwick, Craig Weller, Richie, Mark and Kenton Smith is second to none, certainly in the UK! Not to mention the help G has given me of course.
Inferno: Are you one for superstitions and rituals pre-game? If you are would you comfortable telling us what they might be?
CH: Not really, I like to be nice and relaxed, and do a personal warm-up with a bit of running and stretching before going on the ice, and being dressed and ready in good time to go on the ice. I don't like having to rush or worrying too much about other things as I think it just takes me off my game.
Inferno: Do you follow an NHL team?
CH: Not properly I don't! I tend to latch on to a team at the start of the play-offs and stick with them until they go out! I would like to see Montreal or LA win a cup though so if I had to pick one it would be between them! A lot of the time though I just enjoy watching the hockey when I get a chance!
Inferno: Have you set any targets on your return to the ENL? How does it feel to have someone like Stoney on the ice with you who's been there, done it, got the t-shirt?
CH: For the team I would love to win something this year. I have been playing ENL for the past 4 seasons without winning anything. It would be great to celebrate at the end of the season and I think we have the team this year that can do it if things fall into the right place for us! Personally as I have said already I would like to score a few more goals and continue making progress towards the Devils team and one day having a regular spot there!
Having Stoney on the ice is great he plays the same type of game that I base mine on so it is awesome to have him to learn off, in the past players like James Manson and Alex Madge have also taught me loads!
Inferno: How is training with the elite/ENL Devils compared to the Revered German System?
CH: Its great, there is no denying that the training at the club I was at in Germany was good, but the Elite / ENL system in Cardiff certainly for me is much better! I was never going to have a chance to play for the Oberliga team there because I was classed as an import and it always puts up a little bit of a barrier against you, there is no real reason for them to develop you. Having said that some of the team mates I had in Bad Nauheim were quality players!
Inferno: When in Germany did you see much of a difference in the set up of the Junior system compared to back home?
CH: In Bad Nauheim its actually very similar. The main difference in the national junior set-up is having the U19s (DNL) and U21's (Junioren Bundesliga) League and of course the number of players feeding into them. These two leagues are better than junior leagues in the UK and I think they do help players in Germany make the step into their professional leagues easier! Some of the DEL (1st league) clubs have Oberliga (3rd league) teams purely designed for developing their juniors, just like in Cardiff! There is also an advantage of having that many more players in their set up! I don't think that the UK is that far off the mark, in terms of structure, we just need more people playing the game and more development opportunities for them!!
Inferno: Does your dad still think he is a decent player?!!
CH: Haha I hope he never thought he was a decent player!
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