Match Night Live 74k Season
The Inferno’s match night live our unbiased, objective, balanced and totally not one sided match night experience has been helping fans who can’t make it along to the games keep in touch with all the action for the last four seasons going from strength to strength each year.
Last season we reached some milestones very quickly indeed with 16,000 people having used the service by October 22,000 by early November and then finally by the end of the season a whopping 74000 !
Last season saw us break our previous record with more hockey fans than ever checking in to keep up with the action on the ice. We covered a staggering 68 games with an average of 1098 people using the services for each game this season compared to 1052 for last season.
Over the years as you can see Matchnight live keeps growing
With the help of our Match night updaters from all around the league, who are too numerous to name and our match night host OJ we wouldn’t of been able to cover the games in the way that we did and keep everyone up to date. We think this coverage is a great testament to the Red Army traveling and home fans.
The Match Night Live service can be found for most games of the season at http://www.theinferno.co.uk/mnl and if you’d like to help out with the game night or you’d like to hip in with some comments on game night please contact us atmatchnightlive@gmail.com.
We are also “up on” Twitter for updates so it’s worth following us there on @InfernoMNL for game night scores and @theInfernoCoUK for random musings and updates on what’s happening on the Inferno.
Also if you’re feeling "flush" and you’d like to make a donation, of any size, to help keep this great service running the link to do so is here http://www.the-inferno.co.uk/donate/
We are also more than happy to hear from you if you’d like to have your business advertised on the Inferno as we did last year with the Pilot hotel and with Red Army Travel for the upcoming season. Just drop us a message to discuss.
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