Josh Batch chats to the Inferno
After yesterday's news of Josh signing for the Devils we were lucky enough to catch up with him for a bit of a chat. Josh will be an imposing player on the blue line. Standing at a hulking 6'4 and weighing in at 220lbs he's played the last 3 years in the US and is a GB team mate of Sam Smith and Ben Davies.
The Inferno (INF) - What got you started playing hockey in the first place? At what age did you start and what got you hooked?
Josh Batch (JB) - I got into hockey through watching the original Mighty Ducks movie. It seemed like a really exciting sport and inspired me to give it a try, and luckily enough Chelmsford Ice Rink is only about 10 - 15 minutes from my house, so I had lessons on how to skate when I was about 7, which then progressed on to beginners hockey classes, and by the time I was 8 I was playing in the under 10’s. I got hooked on it and everything else went on from there.
INF- What was the process for spending the time that you did in America? Were you scouted or was there an application process?
JB- It happened by luck really. An American company ran a hockey school one summer in Chelmsford, and the guy who ran it also ran a Showcase in America, which is effectively a tournament that players go to in order to be seen by scouts. He asked me and a few others who were at the camp to go, and seeing as playing in America had always been one of my goals, I decided to go. I was only 15 at the time so I went back the following year once I had finished my GCSE’s and was scouted to play for an under 16 team in Colorado. I went there the following August and spent the next 4 years in Colorado, California, and Boston.
INF- How different is the setup in the US compared to the UK. How much did the move help your game?
JB-The setup in the US compared to the UK is extremely different. The sheer volume of players creates great competition which is priceless in terms of development and players pushing themselves to develop. Hockey being a mainstream sport helps get kids excited and want to play hockey. They also have a great system of ‘stepping stones’ unlike the UK. They have Juniors (u21’s) after under 18’s, and also College hockey after that. I think this gives players the chance to develop a lot more, as there aren’t many players who are NHL ready at 18. Having this system really maximizes the talent that they have.
I think the biggest advantage for me was the kind of awakening it gave me. Coming from a country where I was on the national team and then becoming an average player was somewhat of a reality check. The style of play over there also helped me learn how to compete than I ever had before.
INF- Coming into the team this year, originally on a trial over the summer months, what goals have you set yourself for the season?
JB-For my first season in the Elite League I want to learn as much as I can from the players around me. The other defenseman signed so far are amongst the best in the league from what I have heard, so I hope to learn from them what it takes to be a professional. If I could become a dependable defenseman and earn a regular shift
then I would have achieved all that I wanted for my first year. It also goes without saying that winning some Silverware would be great.
INF- You went through the American junior system in much the same way as Sam Smith, coming into this year knowing how well Sam did last season how much pressure do you feel there is on you to succeed in the top league in Britain?
JB-The year that Sam had last year was one which I think a lot of people were surprised by, being somewhat of an unknown rookie. That said, I think it is possible that he may of set the bar very high for me (Cheers by the way), especially having such a similar career route. Being a defenseman I wouldn’t expect to stand out as Sam did, because as some people say; you don’t notice a good defenseman. If I could quietly go about my business on the ice without being a liability to the team then I hope that will satisfy both the coaching staff and the fans and help contribute to the team’s success.
INF- What can we expect from you on the ice? Have you moulded your game on any one style or player?
JB- Being quite a big person I try to use my size to my advantage as much possible, which probably stems from watching Scott Stevens play as a kid; a man who delivered enormous hits. I also have been known to be offensive at times, possibly due to my stints as playing on the wing. However, where I could get away with this in Juniors I don’t expect to be able to in the EIHL, so I plan being a strong stay at home defenseman for the Devils this year. 7. What aspects of your game would you most like to improve? Where do you think your game Shines?
I don’t really see myself as having one strong point as I try to be well rounded as possible. If I could improve one aspect of my game it would be my skating, as I believe it is the biggest tool needed in hockey. I also try to be a smart player and this is one area of my game which I try to improve on every year as it usually comes with experience. I hope to pick up some knowledge from those around me in order to be able to make good decisions with and without the puck.
INF - What do you think you will bring to the table that our other British D men don’t have?
JB - In all honesty I don’t know a great deal about each of the D men individually, and after all, it didn’t look like last years’ D were lacking much! Simply through looking at stats etc I hope I can add some size which may be lacking after the departure of Weller and Sawyer.
INF - Who is the best D man you've played on a line with. And to date who's the best forward you've played against?
JB - Whilst it won’t compare to Mark Smith’s answer, the best defenseman I have played with is a kid called Max Nicastro. He is a draft pick of the Detroit Red Wings, and just has amazing all round skills for a defenseman. The best forward I have played against in recent memory is Jaden Schwartz. He was the 14th overall draft pick in the NHL last year and is lightning up every league he plays in.He is currently in college but I would not be surprised to see him in the NHL one day.
INF - Which one current player in the British leagues (Brit or import) would you like to have playing in Cardiff?
JB - Tough question with my limited knowledge of the league, but am I allowed to say Craig Weller? I would love to be able to see how a guy who has played in the NHL goes about his business. I’ve heard he was a really good guy too.
INF - As a GB international, where do you think the governing body should put more money/time into development?
JB - I think it has to be with the kids. Ages 12-16 is a crucial point in a players development so getting them the right coaching at these ages is important to maximize their potential. Also providing the most competitive scenarios for these kids is a must, which would mean giving them opportunities at higher levels.
INF - Where would you like your Hockey career to take you?
JB -I would like to play hockey as long as I’m physically able to, and at the highest level possible. I’d consider playing abroad again if the opportunity arose, as it would be nice to learn about some other cultures while still playing hockey. Undoubtedly I will meet some great people along the way, which for me is one of the best aspects of being involved in the sport.
INF- After playing hockey - what's your plan/would you like to do? Are you combining playing with Studying while you’re here?
JB - I haven’t made my mind up on this subject yet, so I’m planning on taking another year off before I go to University as I don’t want to jump into a degree/career that later in life I might regret.
Sport is obviously my main passion so I might seek a career involved with it somehow. However I also like knowing how and why things work so Physics and Engineering are two other subjects I’m considering studying as, so I’m told, they’re both good degrees to have.
We'd like to thank Josh for taking some time out to speak to us and wish him well for his first year with the Devils.
Don't forget to check back Friday for our feature on the Forums All Star weekend and also don't forget you can still take a look at the ENL round up from last week here http://www.the-inferno.co.uk/news/the-inferno-chats-to-cudds/
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