Inferno Interview - Devin Didiomete
Next up in our series of off season interviews is new Devils signing Devin Didiomete. Devin comes to the league with a wealth of experience despite only being just 24 years old.
Starting out in 2003 in his junior season, Didiomete had a strong season and was signed by the Sudbury Wolves where he played for 3 years before being drafted by the Calgary Flames in 2006. Devin played another year in the OHL with Sudbury before stepping up to the AHL/ECHL where he played with some of today's most recognisable names from the NHL including the likes of Steven Stamkos, Michael Del Zotto and Ryan Mcdonagh etc.
While Some fans around the league are already calling him a “goon” there's clearly more to Devin and his game than some peoples initial reactions.
We talk to Devin about why he chose Cardiff, his goals for the season and how he got into hockey.
The Inferno - How and when did you get involved with hockey?
Devin Didiomete - My mom and dad got me involved in hockey at a very young age, it started with skating lessons and progressed to competitive hockey, I think I was probably around the age of 4, or 5 when I actually started playing organized hockey.
The Inferno - What's been your fondest memory as a professional hockey player to date?
Devin Didiomete - Signing my first NHL contract was a big accomplishment for me, growing up in Canada every kid who laces up the skates dreams of one day playing in the NHL and when I signed my first contract that dream became a reality.
The Inferno - Where's been the best and the most intimidating arenas you've played in? Has anyone explained our rink to you as yet ?
Devin Didiomete -The team I played in the OHL for has been my favourite rink to date. It was an older arena and the fans were crazy and you hear from other players how much they hated coming into our rink to play...I have heard stories about the "big blue tent" and it sounds perfect for me!
The Inferno - You’re not one to shy away from penalty minutes- what can the Devils fans expect from you as a player?
Devin Didiomete -I wear my heart on sleeve and play a high energy game, I like to think I am a good combination of both toughness and skill. Playing the style of game I do the fights will also come but I never go looking for it....maybe that’s a lie haha.
The Inferno - How did the move to the Europe come about? Are you looking for a new challenge?
Devin Didiomete- I had many offers this summer, both in north America and in Europe, I felt that Cardiff was the best fit for me and I have heard nothing but good things about the city of Cardiff, the fans , and the organization. I am thrilled and grateful for this new opportunity.
The Inferno - Do you know many players signed in the league yet? If so, any grudges to settle with them?
Devin Didiomete - I know a hand few of guys and have fought Ben Olson a few time. If history repeats itself I'm sure we will have a few run ins again this season.
The Inferno - Have you planned your date arrival in Cardiff as yet? Also how much training will you be doing in the off season prior to coming to Cardiff?
Devin Didiomete - Have not yet planned an arrival date, I'm assuming i will be over in late august. As far as training goes I am in the gym every day, and skating 3-4 times a week, as the summer moves along I will be on the ice more and in the gym a bit less.
The Inferno - Have you set yourself any "goals" for the season? Can we expect you to be our go to guy for toughness and standing up for the team?
Devin Didiomete - Throughout my career I have always played that role and will make sure that no one on the opposition takes any liberties on my teammates. Not only do I want to play a gritty style of game, but I want to contribute to the team’s success and chip in offensively and be sound defensively. It is my goal this year to do all I can to help the Cardiff Devils win a championship.
The Inferno - What do you consider the strongest part of your game and what one aspect if you're game would you like to improve - and why?
Devin Didiomete - I think the strongest aspect of my game is that I have found a way to combine toughness with skill, most "tough guys" cannot contribute offensively, I feel like given the opportunity I can do both. As far as something I would like to improve, I would say skating, I have never heard one coach or scout say to anyone "he’s too good of a skater" it’s something you can always improve.
The Inferno - We as Devils fans tend to like a Hard hitting and Gritty style is that how you roll ?
Devin Didiomete -Type my name into YouTube and you tell me if I like playing a hardnosed style of game. haha. All jokes aside I think the Devils fans will be pleased with the style of game I play.
The Inferno - Do you know much about the league and Cardiff itself?
Devin Didiomete - Don't know much about either. Have done some research and asked around and no one has a bad thing to say!
The Inferno - Regards moving to the UK, do you plan to travel Europe or look to head back to the US and try to get back to 'the show'?
Devin Didiomete - That's a tough question, I am trying to focus all my energy on this year and winning a championship
The Inferno - Are you one for superstitions and rituals pre-game? If you are would you comfortable telling us what they might be?
Devin Didiomete - I'm a little superstitions, nothing crazy thou. I like a freezing hot shower right before I get ready than put my equipment on the exact same way every time.
The Inferno - Who's the best forward you've played with and best D you've come up against?
Devin Didiomete - Best forward would have to be Steven Stamkos, his skill set was through the roof and he is now an elite player in the NHL. Best D-men I have ever played would have to be Drew Doughty, as a guy that likes to lay the hit on the fore-check he was one guy I could never get a good lick on, he was so smart and is also one of the best D-Men in the NHL.
The Inferno - Looking through your career, you’ve clocked up an impressive number of fights, who's been your toughest opponent?
Devin Didiomete - I can’t narrow it down to one, there's a lot of tough customers on my card.
We'd like to welcome Devin to Cardiff and wish him all the best for the upcoming season.
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