Inferno Blog - Max Birbraer
Aright Bahhhttt....
Aright bahhhttt ....?!
Were my fist two words to Chris Whitley when I opened the front door to welcome a new roomie not my humble abode. In response I got a confused look of a guy that just travelled for 24 hours and apparently was not interested in learning welsh right off the bat! I helped him with his bags and spent 20 minutes sitting on the couch, making small talk and exchange pleasantries. It was late so I showed him to his bed and called it a night.
18 hours later Chris emerged from his room and said that he was still tired but could use a nice white bread baguette with some soup! That gave me a smile that hasn’t left my face since he arrived.
Chris has been great for us. When we really needed him he came through and now becoming a very important piece of many in a very bizarre jigsaw puzzle!
Bizarre Jigsaw puzzle ...
This is the easiest way I can sum up this year’s team and our season. G and Franny went to the shop this summer and picked a nice and shiny 20 piece box witch looked promising and easy. It was exactly that in the early stages but it proved to be too good to be true. Some pieces got damaged, some didn't fit in and some just wasn't good enough to make up that final product.
Knowing G and Franny for 7 years I knew they were not about to give up and leave the puzzle unfinished. They decided to go to Asda's and Tesco's to look for more pieces, brought them back, shook the box and started again. The picture is almost finished now and I have to say, it was most bizarre, difficult, eventful but yet fun and enjoyable season because every piece in that box belongs and complements each other in their own way to make up that beautiful masterpiece that Cardiff deserves!
From The Valleys to the bay....
I have spent 7 years on and off in Wales now. I've spent time living up in My Chateau in Welsh Alps(valleys), I've gone out in Cardiff, I've became a member at Lyndon Social Club in Grangetown, lived and played in The Bay and Penarth. One thing is now confirmed in my mind, it doesn't matter where you go in Wales people might have different accents or all kinds of different backgrounds they are the most welcoming ,warm, fun people that ooze passion for their country.
To me that's what this team is all about. It's a privilege to be one of the pieces in this puzzle /this club that hopefully has many more great things lie ahead.
Thanks to all the fans that make this hockey thing worth doing ;)
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