Inferno blog - Jesse Gimblett
5th Apr 2013 | Posted by Jesse Gimblett

My time in short as a Devil,
I signed on a Tuesday in December , my twitter cooled off by the 12 after all the Welch wishes.
Departed on the Thursday, arrived on Friday 10 days before Christmas.
20 new team mates, two new coaches and something people refer to as 'Jet Lag' welcomed me.
Somehow surviving 3 games in 3 countries, and seeing every part of the United Kingdom while having my first Costa.
By Monday, I had travelled through 6 country's in 4 days and over 7000 miles and my team mates treated me to some good Welsh hospitality before setting a record that Whit's smashed for sleep in a day.
Many thanks to the team mates, friends and families that adopted me for the Christmas holidays - a few now know me as Rhett.
Cup Cake and Bakery treated me to wonderful birthday present and tummy ache from over indulging...could also have been the roll from Lush's in Penarth.
Watched a few of the fella's play in Latvia, then found it on map...thought it was farther south...big gulps for the Superbowl and learned about the honey badger.
We all have seen the many up's and down's that come within professional sport in one season.
All that is left is Two games, Two wins, and One team left standing....
Lastly, to all the people I've had a chance to meet during this adventure: team mates, coaches, on-ice support staff, club staff, owner, doctors, physio, trainers, sponsors, wives/girlfriends, bus drivers, pizza delivery guys...And most importantly,
See you in Nottingham,
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