Crazy Talk
4th Jul 2011 | Posted by Staff Writer

Nathan Craze is a true product of the Devils system, icing for the senior team for the first time in that 2001/02 BNL season (at the age of 15). Always a prospect in the wings, his big break came during Belfast's injury crisis in 2005/06. We sent out our 19 year old Netminder who played 12 games, posting a 2.73 GAA and .928 SVS% and starting a lasting relationship with our Celtic cousin.
Two EPL seasons followed, and ended with him taking the backup job with the Giants - where he widely has been seen as the best backup in the league, posting starter like stats in his extensive starts. Along this roler coaster, he has been a regular at international level at all age groups - gaining a Gold Medal a Junior and a Silver at Senior at the IIHF World Championships.
He has finally been given the chance many have been hoping to see. He has become Edinburgh Capitals first signing for the 2011/12 season, and gains his first starting job.
The Inferno managed to catch up with Nathan between getting used to haggis and preparing for his first Summer Goaltending Camp.
Once you've had a read, nip over to the forum and leave your comments.
Coming into your first full season as a Starter what are your aims for the year? Have you set yourself any targets?
Yeh I have, I always try and set goals for myself every season. My aims is work hard everyday in training and also to give 100% every game to give the team a chance to win every night.
What aspects of your game would you most like to improve? Where do you think your game Shines?
I believe as a goalie you're always learning and developing with experience so I can't think of just one area but I'm sure I'll learn so much from playing week in week out. I just want to give my best for the team and stay focused.
Where do you see hockey taking you? Would you look to play abroad in the future?
Yeh I would like to play abroad one day if the opportunity came alone. I just want play hockey for aslong as I can and at the highest level I possibly can.
After playing hockey - what’s your plan/would you like to do? Do you see yourself as a fireman?
No I can see myself being a fireman. I would love to stay involed with hockey some how. I real enjoy coaching goalies and bring on the next generation off British goalies. I'm running my first goalie camp in August this summer at Basingstoke and I plan on continuing to run it into the future.
What got you started playing hockey in the first place? What age did you start?
I went to watch the Cardiff Devils play the Sheffield Steelers for my sixth birthday and after that I was hooked. I started to learn to skate and always wanted to be a goalie so I joined the Cardiff junior development and worked my way up them system.
Do you feel that the EPL is fit for purpose in giving players especially Goalies enough experience to make it as a professional player in the EIHL or elsewhere? If not what could it do to help itself?
Its tough for goalies to make the jump EPL to Elite as a starting goalie. Its a shame the BNL went as I think If they had a league in between it would be a better stepping stone for goalies going from starters in EPL to Elite.
Who do you think is the best forward you have played against? and on the other side of the coin who have been the best D men you worked with?
Thats tough as I've played against and with many great players over the years. I think one of the best forwards I played against is Adam Calder in the Elite league, you always had to be aware of him on the ice. Best D man that sticks out to mind is Jon Gleed, he's such a hard worker a true professional and gave 100% every shift.
How did it feel being at a club with Theoren Fleury? Was he a positive influence? Was he a good dressing room guy? Did he socialize outside of hockey?
Playing with Theo was one of the best experiences in my hockey career, he's a great hockey player and most of all a great guy. I sat next to him at our training rink and I could listen to him talk all day, He use to tell me about all the great NHL goalies he played with and against, and give me advice on the type on the stuff those guys did which really helped at the early stage of my career. As a team we were very close and hung out alot that year he was a massive part of the team and never singled himself out.
Do you see signing in Edinburgh as risk at all?
There seems to have been some bad luck there of late with regards players coming and going.
I believe things are on the up for Edinburgh after a tough couple of months last year, but before that Edinburgh the last couple of years had a very good team that competed every night. Having 4 Scottish teams in the League now I believe is great for Edinburgh and for the league and there are exciting times ahead.
Dave Simms wasn't exactly overjoyed with your signing for the Capitals, do comments on twitter and forums from fans and 'personalities' within the sport have any effect on how you play, or do you just try to ignore them?
I know Simmsy and he's entitled to his opinion, if you asked 100 other people I'm sure there would be 100 different opinions on me signing for Edinburgh. I just like to get on with what I have to do with my hockey.
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