Brad is calling!
The Inferno has had a special request from the Mayor of Cardiff, Mr Brad Voth. Having seen what Brad can do when he is in a bad mood, it is our pleasure to present the following.
Brad is looking to fill up his equipment board. This sponsorship gives someone a great opportunity to sponsor there favourite player and also help the Devils fill the net with exciting goals.
Here’s what Brad is offering:
Full player grid sponsorship for £250, to include every piece of equipment on the grid. Then at the end of the season the sponsor will receive that players Helmets, Shorts, Gloves and a stick. All additional benefits (such as photos etc) as listed in the programme will also be included, and the sponsor will be directly helping both the players and Gerad’s equipment budget management (something we know he will be very grateful for!). This offer will not apply to Goalie equipment but is applicable to all out-skaters.
Brad is extremely committed to this project and is always keen to be involved in back-office projects as he begins to think about a career in the commercial world post-hockey – but don’t panic, that’s not for a while yet!
Any existing sponsors of items on the grid will not be affected and will receive all the benefits of their existing agreement.
If you are interested in knowing more and perhaps sponsoring a player, get in touch with Vother on Brad@cardiffdevils.com
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