Wanted: Chris Blight/Brad Plumton jersey


Well-Known Member
Thread starter #1
Hi all,

here's the situation, myself and tigertemme have never had matching jerseys in all our years, however last year we were lucky enough to both win the SOHB, however the jerseys aren't identical and that frustrates us!

I have the Chris Blight jersey with the 'Black' outline to the numbers/name

He has the Brad Plumton jersey with the 'green' outline to the numbers/name

Basically we'd like a swap with someone, i've spoken to a lady that owns the Blight 'Green' trim, and would like to contact whoever owns the Plumton 'Black' trim jersey to see if they'd be interested in a swap, as I don't think the lady is interested in swapping jerseys.

I don't know what is more desirable (green or black?), therefore we'd be happy to swap either way!

If someone knows who had the Plumton 'black' trim jersey, please put me in touch :D

We both have proof that these jerseys were presented to us on the ice at the end of the game & are legitimate, and to be honest we wouldn't be bothered if the ones we were buying were replicas - just as long as we have matching jerseys!