Steeltalk and BP


Well-Known Member
Thread starter #1
Everywhere you turn on Steeltalk BP is getting more than his pennyworth in.
I don't know what others think but I am convinced he has some ghost writers.(i.e.someone to prime the question so that he can answer - he may even be the ghost himself under a different name?)

Wish he would lie low and not stir things up making a bad situation even worse for the Elite League.
He is obviously a bitter man.


Active Member
To be honest, I couldn't give two hoots. His Hockileaks is an amusing read. At the moment most of what is getting posted is harmless enough - and stuff that we all either knew or could take a good guess at.

It all depends if he starts going after people and the league. Then it could get interesting. If he were to bring HMRC down with unholy power and mighty vengeance on the practices of the league, and what is left behind is more sustainable, and a better product for the UK (rather than a few business men) then I say all power to him.

Sit on the side, enjoy the fight and by next season have the whole show restructured.
TheStub said:
If he were to bring HMRC down with unholy power and mighty vengeance on the practices of the league, and what is left behind is more sustainable, and a better product for the UK (rather than a few business men) then I say all power to him.
Amen to that.
Some of what he says makes sense, but he does seem to be getting carried away with his self-perceived celebrity status. Must be those 50k+ hits on his website!