Panthers iPhone App

Thread starter #1
Just installed the Panthers iPhone app, I have to say it looks good!

I'd love to see The Devils produce something similar!
I'd love something like this but only if it had Match Night Live (or something similar) on.

Also i was thinking about how much i love the Zamboni driving game on the period breaks in NHL 2010 on the Wii and that it would make a great iPhone app. Then i thought about how the Devils could make it and brand it (then sell the rights to other teams and leagues who could also produce their own 59p branded ice machine games) AND when you load it up it can even slip in the details of the next home game should they require a little extra marketing (plus the sponsors get their mention on the ice too). And there are Cardiff based iPhone App making people as i saw a job advertised at one this week... It would work in 2D or 3D and use the tilt controle or have a little wheel.

Get it made Devils!!!
(edit: in fact, who at the Devils can i send my super-ace-watertight-well-thought-out business idea to?)

(also its worth mentioning how awesome the NHL 2011 game is on iPhone, you can get a free demo version)


drummer-sean said:
Perhaps an app for "The-Inferno" would be a good idea. I'd happily pay a few quid for it :)
I'd love to do one, but I don't have a mac to work on. If anyone fancies giving it a bash I can provide the XML needed to power it :)


Well-Known Member
As for the organisation doing something similar, its like trying to run before you can walk isn't it ? I mean, we haven't even sorted the main website out yet, how out of date is that.