"Lets Go Steelers!"


Well-Known Member
Thread starter #1
Does anyone know if the guy who kept chanting this at the back of block 4 for the whole of the third period was drunk, or did he genuinely think he was the wittiest guy in the world?

Judging by his constant beaming grin he presumably thought it was hilariously funny, totally oblivious to the fact that the people around him were given him a disgusted look as if his back was covered with pig excrement.

Please tell me he wasn't a season ticket holder?
Cant be any worse than the people in block 8 who kept chanting Boucher you suck and singing bouchers rubbish (along with more &*&( based words obviously) and didnt stop! It got really awkward as everyone kinda just looked uneasy as it was not only annoying but embarressing as Boucher was the only player on the team who played 60 minutes solid hockey!
You know what I mean James! If they wanted to shout at rubbish players Bannister was making it easy! It just got really awkward as the way they were acting made me feel like they might start getting nasty if anyone said anything.. Im know im not the only one they made feel uneasy!


Well-Known Member
Yeah he was drunk, I was right behind him, for most of the game he was with his works doo party, but for the last period he stayed up there!!
The first time it was partially funny given the days events but by the 100th it was getting a bit boring. Part of being funny is knowing when to stop. Hopefully it was one too many fizzy pops as all it managed to do was annoy everyone around him and probably most of the rink. If not maybe he should consider moving to Sheffield if he loves them so much, they could do with a few fans like that to wake the library up in the house of tin! Lol :lol:

Mind you he'd probably had enough to drink to think he was at a Sheffield game going on the way he was talking.


Well-Known Member
DevilDom said:
I think he was drunk.
He was drunk - we were sitting in the row in front of him.

Very funny when he initially shouted it - lost it's spontanaiety after 5 minutes of repitition. Mind you, it sounded like 'Let's Go Stingrays' sometimes - so perhaps Hull thought they had some support in Block 4! :lol: