Hello Sheffield Fans and Mods!

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Well-Known Member
Thread starter #1
It appears that we are being watched by the Sheffield fans and Mods from SteelTalk.temporarywebsite.

Let's all welcome then with open arms whilst warning them not to fall off their chairs whilst viewing this and give themselves a concussion due to a nasty draft.

Oh, and whilst I have the chance - Any possibility Mr Mark Mettam of my indefinate ban being removed? It is christmas after all!
Finny said:
It appears that we are being watched by the Sheffield fans and Mods from SteelTalk.temporarywebsite.

Let's all welcome then with open arms whilst warning them not to fall off their chairs whilst viewing this and give themselves a concussion due to a nasty draft.

Oh, and whilst I have the chance - Any possibility Mr Mark Mettam of my indefinate ban being removed? It is christmas after all!
Gosh are they going to tell on us ? :lol:


Active Member

Hello Squeelers... nice to see you little forum has more atmosphere than your shed :D

You'll find this place like the Cage, in so much that we hate your team with quite a passion. Other than that you are welcome to join in the debate.


Hardly surprising is it though?

We can still watch where Bob is continually glued to the website and forums through the stats, I guess that just filters down. I've still never been told why i'm not allowed to register over there, i'm assuming it's because i'm a mod on here?

For what it's worth though, some of the posts on here have been truely cringeworthy recently and to say this forum is better than any of the others simply isn't true.



Well-Known Member
Maybe they have come to have a look how a proper forum is run and not one where every post is moderated before it goes out or you get banned for saying anything bad about the steelers?

Note to Mark Mettham - we have fans from all teams on here and they post pretty much what they want. People argue with them but they still get to have their say.


Well-Known Member
Blows kisses !

Welcome the oppressed of Yorkshire .... a few things to note that will make your enjoyment of the inferno complete

1. It is ok to express an opinion
2. It is ok to express an opinion that Mettam doesnt agree with
3. It is ok to express an opinion that Mettam violently disagrees with (to be honest its virtually law!!)
4. It is ok to question decisions the club make
5. It is ok to disagree with the league and its decisions
6. It is ok to laugh at posts from both fellow fans and fans from other clubs
7. It is ok to agree or disagree with both fellow fans and fans from other clubs

Oh and its postively encouraged to be join in threads that heap ridicule on things you dont like from the league and *cough* *cough* Steeltalk!!!

The above will make your viewing pleasurable and avoid any nasty accidents incurred whilst diving for number for Andy French to report rebellion in the "non top 4 teams" !!!

Happy Holidays !

It has come to my attention that certain Devils fans are claiming that their posts are being held for review simply because they are Devils fans. Can I dismiss this rumour once and for all.

There IS a restriction on ANY new user , this lasts for ONE post and is there to make sure we don't let a spammer through the registration system. Once that first post is cleared then they have no restrictions.

The one exception where the mod team place an individual user on review because of their behaviour , there are NO users currently in this category.


shame he dosent have the balls to put it on here oh well, and were the new panthers so say the steelers fourm!

and big dave steelers post is soo fun that guy change sides more time than i had hot dinners !



Why the hell would a Steelers mod need to put that on the Devils forum? Yes, you might not like their forum and you might not like that you've received a ban for breaking their rules, but i'm still failing to understand why you'd even suggest he isn't brave enough to post on here?

Do you think the Steeler fans on Steeltalk expect myself, James, Gareth, Skippy, Steve or Iceraider to go post on Steeltalk our reasons for doing different bits and pieces with the rules on our boards?

This topic is locked because I really can't see it getting any better or people not posting utter nonsense.

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