Charity walk

Thread starter #1
Hope this is ok to post here

Hey guys.. you may not know but in 2012 i did a charity walk from aberdare to swansea airport. A total of 34 miles.

Well on the 5th of september i have signed up to do another this time from aberdare to cardiff bay but this time the walk is 24.5miles and instead of doing the walk in 3 days (meeting points and fundraising events mixed in) we are doing it in 8 hours. Now to some of you this may sound easy and to some it may sound difficult but trust me for a few fat welsh lads it isnt fun haha.

From previous events we have done in total we have raised over £10,000 for pancreatic cancer uk.. but we feel that is not even close to being enough so were off on our merry strolls again!

If any of you would like to donate that would be fantastic and much appreciated.

You can do it here

Just a bit of information about why we do these events.

A family friend of ours passed away with pancreatic cancer 4 years ago and we want to raise funds in his honour!

Pancreatic cancer unfortunately has the lowest survival rate of the cancers which is why i believe the fubds are crucial to the research

The route we are taking as follows

Thanks guys

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