- Chris Blight (19)
- Devin Didomete (11)
- Stuart Macrae (8)
- Chris Whitley (3)
- Joe Myers (3)
- Ben Davies (2)
- Josh Batch (2)
- Mac Faulkner (1)

Myers Blog
28th Mar 2013 | Posted by Joe Myers
Hello everyone.
Firstly just wanted to say that’s its been a long time coming but I finally got the call to write a blog about the last week or so, I hope I keep you all interested.
I wanted to start by saying that it has been a very tough season for us at times on and off the ice but we never gave up as a group and have battled all the way to the end. We finally clinched our playoff spot in Hull with a win and I know all the boys felt good to get that monkey off our back.
It has been said before that the support you guys give is incredible and no more so than to see the first sell out in the BBT in our last regular season game so from me and all the boys I just wanted to say a huge thank you and lets keep it going for the playoffs.
Onto this week, we’ve been preparing for our match up with Breahead on the weekend and things have been good in the camp. Faulks has been at practice giving the guys a boost when we’ve been practicing our powerplay. He said he picked up a few tips from one of his former team-mates at Invicta and thought we could benefit from this (lets hope he’s right).
After practice a couple of us decided that we would all have a playoff haircut instead of the beards (which we couldn’t grow in under a week). 4 of us took a trip into town and went and had our hair cut into skin fades don’t ask me what that is but it looks stupid so thanks Abam.
We choose in the week to drive up to Scotland on the Friday, which put a lot of pressure on me. As the bus movie guy I have 10 hours of time to fill with movies for our trip and I’m struggling. Have a few certs, Battleship for Ben and Cocoon for Max but after that I’m struggling so any suggestions are welcome.
Lastly I just wanted to say thanks for all the fans who came to the awards night, it was a great evening with some interesting choices and winners, I thought I had coaches player of the year this year when it came down to me and Smitty but in fairness he does stop more shots than me so I can’t complain.
Me and Stu had a discussion on the bus and just wanted to had out a few awards of our own so here goes:
- The Award for most nominations and no win goes to - Josh Batch
- The Award for most bets made from his couch goes to - Chris Whitley
- The Award for worst social media posts goes to - Abam Harding AKA Rod the Bod
- The Johnny Drama Award for the worst calfs and being a Strength and Conditioning coach goes to - Phill Hill
As a side note I’d like to wish Phil Osaer all the best in his coaching career as he recently announced his retirement from hockey.
Myers The Goalie
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