Right, sorry for that folks, seems the website is throwing errors at us again :(
Roughly 20minutes till game time, come on the Devils!
Don't forget I can always be reached by email! matchnightlive@gmail.com
Forgot to mention it's the one, the only, the disgusting biased... CHRIS! as host for tonight :)
Welcome to any Steeler fans joining us tonight, also thanks to Helen B from steeltalk for linking us, ufortunately myself and the rest of the mods here are banned from Steeltalk so I can't thank Helen there :(
Mike O'Conner takes charge of the Sheffield bench tonight due to Dave Matsos and his wife being at their childs bedside after he was hit with pneumonia, our thoughts are of course with them and their families!
I'm also hoping for a better result tonight than last weekends Keith, Sunday display was pretty damn rubbish :S
Just to reassure everyone, yes I will be biased, I rely on texts from Devils fans at the game, so an objective view isn't possible. Ever... :)
Puck dropped, here we go! GOOOOOOOOO DEEEEEEEVILS!
Hicks is the man in charge tonight, makes another nice change to not have Darnell
As I have no updates, Steelers of course have done pretty damn well in Europe this past weekend, let's hope they don't carry the momentum through and beat us in our own barn *again*
Steelers penalty at 1:45, Farmer 2mins for hooking
How long before 'the family' turn Farmer into Farmy? He can join Matty, Roddy, Scotty, Jeffy, Dougy, Joey and Dowdy then...
Steelers back to full strength, Devils powerplay nothing special
See, our powerplay is just there to lull you into a false sense of security :P
Devils goal at 3:49. Hartwick from Smith!
Apparently the goal 'snuck in' from the right hand side, i'm not entirely sure what that means...
Sounds like Hartwick belted the puck, it bounced funny and hit a Steeler and made it's way home \o/
It's gone awfully quiet...
I think we need to put the call out for more texters again :(
Devils penalty at 9:33, Latulipee 2mins hooking
I wish I had more to type :(
Steelers penalty at 12:53, Thomas 2mins for hooking
2minutes until another Devils goal? :P
Steelers full strength...
It's only a matter of time!
A little bit longer this time...
it's far, far, far too quiet :(
7minutes between updates!
Apparently that's the end of the 1st period...
"Very scrappy game, feisty but no signs of a good fight"
As I have almost no texts, i've no idea if the second period has started...
Well, that's peachy, apparently we're almost 5minutes into the 2nd period :S
Definitely time to find more texters
Devils penalty at 25:30. Richardson 2mins hooking
Michel nails Cruickshank!
Michel skates away and gets crosschecked to face, received a penalty for his troubles
Steelers penalty at 26:17. Cruickshank 2mins slashing + 2mins roughing
Devils penalty at 26:17. Michel 2mins interference
No sign of Jarvis or Symonds tonight for the Devils :(
Straight from the game... "It's the kind of game where the Devils don't look in trouble but 1 goal is never enough"
Puck just made it's way past the red line but didn't touch the back of the net, goal stands though :)
Devils goal at 28:57. Latulippe from Hill and Voth.
Steelers back to full strength
Apparently Cruickshank got killed in the corner and took a penalty for it, then as he was skating to bench he hit Michel, who also received a penalty...
Texters not sure if Lyle has touched the puck at all in the 2nd period...
Devils 3rd goal at 32:31. Birbraer from Voth and Richardson
Lyle finally touches the puck and it's a great save by all accounts \o/
Is Birbraer doing everything possible to avoid getting his 200th assist?
And after that flurry of text it all goes quiet again
And it's the goal that never was... Hartwick slapshot stopped on the goal line and then cleared
Goal light came on but puck never crossed the line it would seem
'Goal' came at 39:30 and was never allowed
Jonothan Phillips does his best to outdo the diving Panthers, but Hicks just laughs
And that's the end of the 2nd period, Devils lead 3-0.
Apparently the Steelers really aren't playing very well, maybe 5 decent shots on goal and the rest of the time it's been dump and chase or dump on goal
Texters all seem to agree though that the Devils really aren't playing very well either
2minutes until the 3rd period begins!
Steelers back on the ice, apparently the bus is warming the engine up out back...
here we go with the 3rd period! Goooooooo Devils!
Michel murders Legue mid ice, isn't he the new 'Golden Child' ? :P
Word is that even Dave Simms said the Devils 4th goal that wasn't should have stood, only the goal judge and Hicks didn't see the puck cross the line
Apparently Devils had a penalty timed at 40:00 for tripping
Damn you Jonny Phillipy!
Devils penalty at 40:00. Voth 2mins tripping
Voth back on the ice, hopefully he can get some revenge...
Although that would probably lead to a 12 game ban :(
Romfo clips the crossbar - ooooooooooooooooooh
Smith comes close but a Steeler moves the nets :(
Ah, it was Verner, fans not very happy :E
Voth shoots, but whistle blows as puck crosses the line, are we not allowed to score anymore goals!?!
Verner kicks nets off again as Smith gets close
Stop being a baby!
Roughly at 48mins
Forgot to mention, Marc did predict a Devils 4-0 victory, if I don't mention it no one will believe him :D
Devils penalty at 49:10. Miller 2mins for slashing
Sheffield finally get some possession and try to do something useful, but Devils kill the penalty...
Sheffield goal at 51:51
Steelers goal came from Hartwick gifting Steelers which led to a 3on1
Steelers goal was from Talbot at 51:51, but I have no details on assists :(
lyle not very happy at all with the rest of the team, shouting and banging his stick
Devils started to coast, lost possession and gifted a chance
Devils offside at 53:50
Big save from lyle, Devils under pressure and 1st line looks totalled
Shot from Towe just wide...
Hicks refuses to call Steelers for holding despite being right infront of him, crowd go nuts Hicks shakes his head and skates off into the sunset
55mins gone
Details on Devils first goal changed. Should now read... Birbraer from Hartwick and Smith
56mins gone, Hartwick forces someone to eat board
Devils penalty at 56:25. miller 2mins for tripping
Fans and players not happy with call at all
Devils penalty at 57:09
1:16 of 3on5 in Steelers favour
Devils penalty at 57:09. Smith 2mins delay of game
Steelers called time out after Smith penalty...
Good save from Lyle
Steelers goal after Hartwick gets punched and no call :(
Steelers 2nd goal at 58:03
Final 2minutes of game left, I have lots of texts but no actual details...
Smith back on the ice, Devils at full strength I guess
Steelers 2nd goal came from Talbot, but again no assists...
Steelers pull Verner with just under 1min left
I *think* that's it, Devils win 3-2...
Devils win 3-2, Hicks seems to have given up in the 3rd period and called randomly according to texters
Steelers MoM goes to Talbot
Devils MoM goes to Birbraer
Well we won, but it doesn't sound all that convincing
But, that's all from me, off to do some more course work!