Welcome to MNL on a cold and windy night - thats seems to be the norm for November
Tonight we welcome the Newcastle Vipers to the tent.
I will get back to you when I have my texters sorted out - OJ
Remember MNL would like your score predictions along with any other comments you might have email me at matchnightlive@gmail.com
Texters making their way to the Tent making slow progress against headwinds
Has ih-update died as there is no mention of the Devils v Vipers game on there?
I am looking forward to a more sedate evening tonight after doing concurrent reports on two games last Sunday
Are sure there is a game tonight?
No news from my texters yet
Paul from Viperland wants to know how the Tent is standing up to the high winds, well it was there the lkast time I drove past
Still waiting for news from the Tent
Both teams are now on the ice for team announcements
No Wes Jarvis for the Devils
Where have all the e-mailers gone
Longstaff missing for the Vipers
Dean Smith is the man in charge
Keith in Aberystwyth has finally joined us, hoping for a win, doesn't care about the score
Starting line for Devils - Stone & Romfo on D, Both, Birbrear & Smith up front
The puck is dropped
Glove save by Robinson from a wrist shot by Voth @ 0:34
Vipers penalty @ 0:43 - Dornish - holding
Apparently Longstaff is icing
Devils PP ineffective in 1st minute of pp
Scored by Smith assist Voth a ppg
2nd assist goes to Richardson
Vipers have a 2 0n 1 break, Lyle saves @ 2:51
All Devils at moment
Devils 2nd goal @ 3:51 scored by ??? Voth assisted
Devils penalty @ 4:19 Adams - holding
Devils 2nd Goal scored by Birbraer
Puck leaves ice @ 5:32 and hits fan
Rink staff assisting, young fan seems to be OK
Devils kill penalty
Robinson saves from Voth
Vipers penalty @ 7:14 Petricko - hooking
Hill assisted Latulippe
Vipers timeout
Goal time 7:53 a ppg
Vipers offside @ 8:20
Smith can't get a touch on a pass through the crease
Miller goes close
Vipers penalty @ 10:08 No 11 - hooking
Kindle that was done for a hook
Domish fires puck into Vipers bench @ 10:46, doesn't he have friends
30 secs left on pp
Richardson hits crossbar as pp is over
Gametime 12:15
Despite Devils domination of scoreline Stevie Lyle has to make some cracking saves
Devils playing very well,Vipers trying to take the pace out of the game
Devils icing @ 14:36
Devils must have been doing passing drills as the puck is right on the tape everytime
Devils offside @ 15:35
Young fan who got hit is OK and back in his seat, good on you
Another Devils icing @ 16:59
I stand corrected - not every pass is on the tape
Devils icing again @ 17:35
I'm beginning to sound like an old gramaphone with a stuck needle
Devils D are leaving Vipers getting in front of net unmolested
Final minute of opening period
Devils have taken their foot off the gas
Robinson saves from Voth @ 19:32
Now Robinson saves from "INFERNO" Towe
End of 1st period DEVILS 3 Vipers 0
Devils have played one of their best periods of the season according to my sources
Keep it going
Yes Keith its going well at the moment
Not a bad crowd in the Tent for a midweek game
And on Sky of course
In the middle of another deluge I wonder have Noah managed to get pairs of ice hockey players, I can't imagine two Steve Moria or a pair of Doug McEwens and heavens forbid imagine there being two Shannon Hope
Ice is ready for 2nd period
Teams are back
We are underway for 2nd period
SoG first period Devils 15: Vipers 12
Vipers player down, Voth on way to naughty boys room
Devils penalty @ 20:31 - Voth - interference
Bad rebound from Lyle but D steps in and clear
Towe beats Robinson who falls down, Towe goes round net but DEvils player pushed into Vipers net which is dislodged
Devils dominating although on PK
12 secs left on PK
Devils back to full strength
KRalj goes coast to coast but Lyle saves @ 23:11
Game time 25:03
Come on you Devils give us a goal
Devils penalty @ 25:43 - Symonds - hooking
DEvils penalty @ 25:50 - Adams - interference
I am losing it, now told Birbraer hooking minor at 25:43, Adams intereference @ 25:15
1:20 left on 5 on 3
30 seconds left on Devils pk
Now 5 on 4
Vipers Goal @ 27:59 Tjechma
Assists for Longstaff & Domish
Vipers scored after Devils had successfully defended a 5 on 3 for almost 2 minutes
Devils penalty @ 29:07 - Richardson - hooking
Penalty killed
Devils very aggressive on PK
Lyle coughs up another one but saves the follow up shot
Devils offside @ 31:49
Vipers penalty @ 33:39 - Kralj - slashing
Lets get that pp into overdrive Devils
Devils 4th goal @ 33:59 Voth, assists Romfo & Michel
Vipers penalty was against Kindle not Kralj
Devils icing @ 34:08
Vipers penalty @ 35:43 hooking minor
Vipers penalty was for Rooneem
Lyle has to stop a sh attack from Vipers
Adams making a few mistakes by all accounts
Vipers back to full strength
38 minutes gone
Another bad rebound from Lyle
Vipers penalty @ 38:49 - Berry - x-check
Apologies penalty was for interference
Final minute
Scored by Smith
Assist for Birbraer
End of 2nd Period DEVILS 5 Vipers 1
That was Max Birbraer 199th assist in Elite league
Keith you may have hailstones in Aber but we have Goals YES DEVILS GOALS in Cardiff
Its the Adders against the Subtractors (sorry Vipers) in Cardiff
So come on you DEVILS add a few more in the 3rd
Final period with Lawson in net for Vipers
Devils icing @ 40:33
Another Devils icing @ 40:40
Vipers offside @ 41:42
Richardson takes puck to leg and limps off
Richardson on bench so it looks as if he is OK
Longstaff puts Smith on his rear
Longstaff puts Smith on his rear
Devils icing @ 42:55
Vipers offside @ 43:35
Not much happening that why icing merits reporting
SoG announced as 11 by DEvils and 16 by Vipers, that is rubbish
Now corrected 11 on Lyle, 16 on Robinson
Come on you DEVILS give us a GOAL
Lyle makes an easy save from a dump @ 46:38
Marc T is overwhelmed by 10 goals into game and still counting
+The rain has got into the scoreboard at the Tent it is now showing Vipers winning 83-1
Its been corrected now
My texters tell me it the most exciting thing that has happen in the period so far
A plea from me can e-mailers refrain from posting information which is already on MNL or will be in a matter of seconds, this causes me to check new messages thinking its inportant
Lawson saves from Voth
Devils Penalty @ 49:01 - Symmonds (Yes it is him this time) - hooking
PK easy for Devils as only half the Vipers seem to bother
Penalty killed
Devils offside @ 51:32
We want a FIGHT says one of my texters
Its doubtful if any of the lethargic Vipers would answer the bell
Hartwick wrists a shot wide of the net @ 54:01
DEVILS GOAL scored by "THE INFERNO" Towe at 54:36
Assist to Adams
Devils penalty @ 54:59 - Hayes - tripping
Vipers Goal @ 55:37 - ppg
Vipers 2nd goal scored by Domish, assits Berry & Krajl
Devils penalty @ 56:16 - Romfo - holding
Scored by "INFERNO" Towe
Devils back to full strength
Assist to Richardson on last Devils goal
Viper crashes into Stevie Lyle
Puck in net
Referee confers with Goal Judge
DEVILS GOAL scored by Smith
Devils 8th Goal scored @ 57:57
Hattrick for Smith, assist Stone
Viper goal @ 58:40
Scored by Mahrle
Assist for no 20 whoever he or she may be
Thats it folks final score DEVILS 8 Vipers 3
Marc Wes Jarvis did not ice
Vipers MoM - Domish
Devils MoM Mark Smith
Our thanks to the texters on duty tonight, Sharlene, Carl and Paul, they did a brilliant job as usual.
Thats all from me OJ, until the next time