Afraid Match night Live! will not be running for tonights game as we have no texters making their way to the game, however there is a thread on the forums for chat and updates which can be found by clicking HERE
Ignore my last comment folks, we have coverage coming live from the MRA starting at about 6pm, as usual the email address for MNL will be matchnightlive@gmail.com
Forgot to mention it's the one, the only, the amazing... Chris! running MNL tonight :)
and we're live!
Devils are out for the warmup, and Smith is with them! Hurrah!
Warmup is over, Smith stayed on the ice the entire time, maybe there is a God...
Poor turnout from the Vipers faithful for the first day of their 'Drive for 5' doofer, attendance currently estimated at about 1500...
Devils fans growing in number, we're upto 13 now!
First prediction of the evening in, Russky going for 5-1 Devils! Dependant of course upon which Vipers team turn up.
Everyone breathe a sigh of relief, Dean smith is the ref for tonight! Hurrah!
Keith is predicting a 2-5 Devils victory for tonight, here's hoping!
Devils out onto the ice, traveling fans totaling 20 now!
And there's the Vipers. Word from the rink says the Vipers fans are armed with 'irritating little rattles' :)
That :) should have been a :( really...
Anthems are done, and here we go with the 1st period!
And it's the Vipers who are called for icing first at 0:21
Devils penalty timed at 1:13. Birbraer 2mins for high sticks
Just incase is worried, yes I will hopefully be continuing the shameful Devils bias on this Devils fansite...
Devils successfully kill the penalty, and Vipers called for icing again :D
Vipers putting the pressure on us, but Lyle making good saves, no time details sorry
Vipers penalty at 5:43. Gouett 2mins for intereference
Devils penalty at 6:18. Smith 2mins for holding
1:25 of 4on4 and then 35seconds of Vipers powerplay :(
Vipers penalty killed, 35second Vipers powerplay
Devils back to full strength \o/
Texters at the game report Vipers have most of the possession and are troubling the Devils but Lyle is playing very well...
Robinson not had a whole lot to do down the Vipers end, lucky really :P
And as I type that, Stone shoots but Robinson saves - hopefully get some time details shortly
Big save from Lyle...
Vipers called for icing at 12:52
Devils putting pressure on the Vipers now! Come on!
Another big Lyle save at 14:27. Shot came from Dean Holland
18:09 gone, still 0-0 :S
Another save from Lyle at 18:46
19minutes gone, Devils finishing stong but Robinson playing well so far
And that's the end of the 1st period, Vipers 0-0 Devils
Lyle made another save at 19:56 from Gouett before the period ended
Crowd estimate vary from 1500 to 3000, visual anomaly or people struggling with numbers?
Seems Vipers had a penalty about halfway through the 1st period, but the text has only just arrived :S
Texter at the game reports the Devils lines are again all over the shop and they need to start playing better or the Vipers will capitalise...
Both teams back out on the ice, almost time for the 2nd period!
Here we go with the 2nd period!
Text from game says Crisp was caught by a stray puck at some point and has massive swelling around his eye...
Devils fans are in fine voice, Vipers fans are sitting in a library...
Penalty to Miller/Towe at 23:10, 2mins for delay of game - I have conflicting texts...
Penalty confirmed to be for Miller
Shots on goal for 1st period were Vipers: 11 and Devils: 6
Another Devils penalty at 25:01. Romfo 2mins hooking
So 9 seconds of 5on3 and then 1:51 of 5on4 all in Vipers favour... Uh oh...
Devils were very lucky not to go 1 goal down during the Miller penalty, now Romfo has gifted them another chance - text from the game :S
Vipers bench penalty at 26:24. 2mins for too many men
Devils back to full strength it would seem
Vipers back to full strength
Adams shot deflected out of play at 29:56
Big save from Lyle at 30:57, Vipers have been given a verbal beating from the bench
And the Vipers score :(
Vipers goal at 31:35. Petricko scores
No assist details i'm afraid :(
No wait, Petricko from Kralj at 31:35
Vipers penalty at 32:51. Gouett 2mins for hooking
And that's the Vipers back to full strength
Robinson just makes a save from Birbraer at 35:29
Vipers called for offside at 37:22
And that's the end of a pretty dull 2nd period, Vipers 1-0 Devils...
Apparently at the end of the 2nd period, Hartwick has upset Berry, whether this has led to tears i'm not entirely sure
Shots on goal for 2nd period, Vipers: 7 - Devils: 11
Here we go with the 3rd period
please, please, please make it more exciting than the 2nd :(
Vipers penalty at 41:14. Longstaff 2mins for hooking
Robinson save at 42:46, shot from Adams...
Crowd announced as 2600 at the MRA
Vipers at full strength, another powerplay been and gone :(
Devils penalty at 43:49. Davies 2mins for hooking
I could lie and say all the saves being made were incredibly awesome, but this has got to be the most boring game we've ever covered on MNL :S
Lyle save at 15:23
Devils at full strength, just under 15minutes of pain left
Robinson save at 12:44, shot from Miller
well, that time is wrong, it should read 47:16, how exciting is that!
Well, usually when I put something up about having no texts, I get a flurry. Best work tonight
and it works, I get 1 text! "Devils running out of ideas"
Puck out of play at 52:22
Another Robinson save at 53:35
Another shot from Voth saved at 55:19
Voth nails Petricko at 56:03
Vipers dumping puck and trying to run the clock down, called for icing at 56:37
Into the final 2minutes, Devils pressure...
Final minute...
Lyle pulled...
lyle pulled, Hill hops on and scores, timed at 59:04
Goal details changed, Devils goal at 59:04, Michel from Hill
And at the end of regulation, score tied at 1-1
Here we go! 4on4, gooo Devils
Robinson save at 60:43
Another texter at game reports the Devils really aren't playing very well :S
Lyle save at 52:30
Devils penalty at 63:27. Romfo 2mins (not sure what for)
Vipers call timeout after Romfo penalty
and Vipers score at 63:53
longstaff with the winner, unsure of time details
Wait, yes i am sure of time details!
longstaff goal was on the powerplay, not sure of assists
Longstaff from Mahrle at 63:53
Devils man of match goes to Voth
Romfo penalty was for slashing :S
Vipers man of match goes to Longstaff
That's all from me, i'm off to do something exciting like coursework or technical drawing...