Well - it is a lovely Tuesday evening, and I'm here running MNL
Welcome once again to Match Night Live, with me Gareth (TheStub)
Under an hour to go before face-off - time for me to get settled...kettle on, cuppa in my hand, Come Dine With Me marathon viewing from last week in the background.
It is proper thunder and lightning here in Scunthorpe, so if the updates stop - you know why.
Comments, predictions, recipe ideas, or even what the weather is in your neck of the woods - let me know matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Although the title says 7pm, it is actually a 7:45 face-off (I have been reliably informed).
Right, green tea in hand and ready to get going.
Rusky's emailed in. I was sorry to not make the weekends game too.
By all accounts we will still be down the 3 imports. But another chance to let the young Brits some good ice time.
Still waiting for my texter to check in
Last contact was at the services an hour ago. Sure he will be Ok.
Will Chris make it to Cov and back - matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Yey - he's there! Hopefully he will be settled and texting updates in good time.
Sounds like there is a low attendance tonight.
Apparently Thommo is meant to be icing a load of younger Brits. Thanks to Sami for the info.
Apparently there is no Stone tonight, but Fisher is icing.
We are underway
Blaze are icing their backup between the pipes.
First 2 minutes gone
Devils penalty - Voth 2 mins tripping at 3:30
Ref is Darnell - so could have some 'interesting' calls tonight ;)
Big save from Lyle. Blaze getting their power play into motion.
Blaze offside 4:28
Hill throws a big check on Lee.
Lyle makes another save at 4:50
Sounds like we may be just picking up from where Saturday left off.
Apparently the Devils penalty kill is good and offensive.
Makes a nice change!
and Voth is back.
Dear me - I am being inundated :D
Devils missed a plumb opportunity. Puck right across the crease.
Blaze penalty. Soderstrom 2 min for holding at 6:53
Lyle forced to make a save at 7:10.
From Sam, apparently the Voth penalty was 2 minutes for slashing.
Devils penalty - Hill at 8:27. 2 minutes interference.
4 on 4 for 26 seconds.
Blaze back to full strength
Lyle makes another save at 9:44
Devils offside - 10:06
Blaze icing at 10:20
Devils back to full strength.
Sorry for the terse posting - emails and texts coming in thick and fast.
Keep them coming though :D matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Devils offside at 11:13
Apparently it is very end to end.
Awesome Lyle save.
Not sure I'm liking all these Lyle saves. Better than not saving I suppose
Maxy shot deflected out of play at 12:06
Have we have had that frequent flier puck from the weekend back?
Murdy save at 12:12
Towe comes amazingly close.
C'mon Matty - my tip for our stand out Brit this year!
Apparently Stoney is having an operation on his knee, and hence missing tonight. Thanks Scotty!
Lyle save at 14:10
Devils penalty at 14:19. Adams 2 minutes holding.
Lyle save at 14:40.
Fisher playing as a rotating forward on the third line.
Voth's shot floats across the crease!
Just tap the thing in!!!
Lyle save at 15:35
Lyle save at 15:35
Puck out of play at 15:43
Devils back to full strength.
No news on the missing imports.
Lyle save at 16:38
and another at 16:45
Blaze offside at 17:20
Just to keep it equal - Devils offside at 17:27
Apparently Stoney's surgery is minor, and he will only be out for 2 - 3 weeks. Thanks to Debbie for the update :D
And that is the end of the 1st
Time for a refill of tea. Green tea with lemon I think.
Apparently Tylor Michel is flying in tomorrow. The shot blocker without portfolio will be in the house!
It's very end to end, but not much happening!
And poor Blaze turnout.
Who will win? Will we make any shots? What is your favourite tea flavour? Let me know: matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Apparently Jay is flying in Thursday
Thanks for the update Matt.
Looks like we might actually have all imports in time for the weekend. Yey! They may even get a chance to practice.
Although, Romfo isn't icing tonight. Didn't think he was, but nice to have it confirmed.
But, back to the great tea debate (which is the important subject) - Rob, I've never tried Rose tea, have to pick some up. Been rocking the green tea with strawberry in work recently. Or a good spiced chai!
Bigup to Gareth in Pershore. Devils to win 2-0 from him!
Teams back out. Crisp is our backup again tonight.
And we're off.
Murdy save at 20:19
and another at 20:24
A bit more like it ;)
21 minutes (ish) Jarvis puts a massive hit on Lee.
Shots on goal for the first. Blaze 12, Devils 8.
Blaze penalty at 21:21. Fulgrum 2 minutes for slashing.
Soderstrom down injured, and now back up. No penalty.
Matt - I'm a fan of Redbush too. I quite like Roibos too.
Murdy save at 22:29.
Game is not very fast paced. Good job, may get in the way of the tea debate. ;) matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Good save from Lyle at 23:17.
Apparently a dodgy Towe pass gave Blaze the breakaway. Careful Matt, I don't want to have to eat my words ;)
Blaze at full strength.
Murdy save at 23:27
and another at 33:38
Not sure if Chai does Rob, but I likes it. There is a good instant chai latte in Tesco.
Lee is apparently getting very annoyed at Voth.
Blaze penalty at 24:35. Calder 2 minutes tripping.
Murdy save at 35:32
Russky is having a shout out for PG tips. Although, top tip - not with Scunthorpe water. Yorkshire tea is actually the best around here.
Meanwhile, back to the game :P
Let me know your thoughts, or order ;) matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Devils powerplay not working as well tonight. C'mon lads, lets get it fixed for once!
Devils penalty at 26:11. Voth 2 minutes boarding.
Poor call apparently.
Blaze back to full strength
Blaze power play goal.
Blaze goal Fulghum from Chambers and Weaver.
Blaze were all over the net. Lyle got to it, but couldn't stop it.
Passes are starting to go wrong all over.
Hopefully when the grit is finished, we will clear the crease better.
Lyle has been replaced by Crisp 28:01.
Blaze hit the pipes 10 seconds into Crisp's time. Everyone else piles in and clears the crease.
Murdy save at 29:08
and another at 30:01
C'mon Devils!
Nice to give the young lads a chance. Better to prove them now, rather when we need the support ;)
Blaze goal :(
Blaze goal - Fulghum from Owen and Chambers. Crisp couldn't move quick enough.
Blaze goal at 30:12
Murdy save off Hayes 31:10.
Devils icing at 32:16
Looks like they are lifting the physical level of the game.
Robinson nails Davies, Adams nails Robinson, Soderstrom floors Birbraer, Javris floors Lee.
"You put your left leg in, left leg out"
Sounds like no penalties on that dance.
Murdy save at about 35 minutes.
Devils hit the pipes.
Let's have a push. See if we can pull something back Devils!
The puck leaves play at 37:34. Deflected Campbell shot.
Blaze goal....
Blaze third goal Watkins from Henry and Weaver at 38:18
Crisp should have saved but didn't apparently.
Final minute
Blaze penalty at 39 minutes. Flughum 2 minutes slashing.
Apparently Blaze have had three clear shots on Crisp, and two goals are a result.
Good to see we are as consistent as ever!
End of the second period.
Devils fans not too happy with how we are playing, and even less so with keeper change.
Not sure if I am that worried. It is a friendly. The chance to let the younger ones have a go. matchnightlive@googlemail.com
Time for another cup of tea.
Apologies if you can't get on, I am looking into it.
And we are back up and running - and into the third.
Devils have hit the pipes twice so far. Bit of a better performance this period apparently.
50 minutes gone, play ongoing - still 3-0 to the Blaze.
Tonight is the night for it - Gmail vanished just before we did.
PM me through the forum if you want to chat ;)
I'm TheStub, for those who don't know.
Blaze penalty at 50:24. Chambers 2 minutes interference.
Devils offside at 50:59
And I'm still on the green tea with lemon. May have a mint tea to take to bed. Nice and refreshing.
"Somebody do something" the Devils fans chant tonight.
Is it me, or is the whole atmosphere of this evening a little 'meh'?
Blaze back to full strength. Exciting powerplay by the sound of it.
Blaze hit the pipes at 53:10. Puck goes out of play.
Apparently it is like the players can't be bothered. Sounds more like a friendly than the first match.
55 minutes played.
My tea has gone cold...travesty!
Penalties at 55:06. Calder 2 minutes holding, Miller 2 minutes hooking.
Sounds like Darnell is calling randomly.
I have this theory about Darnell. I think he plays offence bingo.
He has to try and call at least one of everything in every game.
Makes for exciting third periods.
Seems we have reverted to dump and chase. If we actually have, better than previous dump and watch tactics we seem to adopt.
Blaze icing at 56:27. Probably to give the linesman something to do.
Puck goes on a little trip out of play at 56:27.
Both teams back to full strength.
Should I be drinking Pepsi this close to bed time? Perhaps another cuppa would be better.
Final 2 minutes.
Sounds like Chris is on the edge of his seat.
Devils penalty. Davies 2+2 for high sticks.
That must be a full house for Darnell now?
And my tongue is hurting my cheek ;)
Final minute.
Ledgend - I'll be up all night, don't worry. Just need a hot drink in my hand. Geek and all ;)
Blaze penalty 59:17. Campbell 2 minutes hooking.
And that is it ladies and gents.
"Thank God" apparently.
Just waiting for the MoM announcements. Then I can let my sarcasm have a little lay down.
Shots on goal for the final period was 12 for the Devils, and 6 for the Blaze.
Devils MoM was Towe.
Shots from second period was Blaze 9, Devils 6.
Not sure we are getting a Blaze MoM... perhaps the excitement has finally got to Chris ;)
Well, hockey aside it has been one hell of a night. Server seems to have fallen over and picked itself backup.
But it happens to the best of us, as Gmail went down at the end of the second and still isn't back.
No hint of a MoM update for the Blaze from Chris.
So, time to call it a night.
Seems to have been a diametrically opposite game from the home leg. But I am glad you all were able to join me on MNL
Until next time... I'm off to make some more tea.
Nos da G (aka TheStub)