Welcome to MNL, it looks as if we can cover this game after all, our volunteer Drew is hot footing it from work and just told me he ios parking at the rink
Well done him
No Mark Louis, Joey Haddad and the suspended Gleason Fournier
Zamboni getting to the end of its shift says Drew
Capitals have 17 sakaters which is much more healthier than what we see on the road
It appears that both Dr Piggott and Tomas Rutkis are playing
Referee is Neil Wilson
Officials on the ice
Capitals have 17 sakaters which is much more healthier than what we see on the road
Teams on the ice
Anthem done
Puck dropped
Capitals score
A total cockup by Devils D @24 secs
Shegalo save
Cazzola the scorer for Caps assists Anderson & Vorobyev
Capitals Penalty Cazzola 2 minutes for tripping @ 2:29
Ben Bowns has a nose blled hes gone to bench
Dr Piggott is not icing hes on the bench
Blood being cleared in Bowns crease
Rob Batch predicts a 6-2 win for Devils
Game restarts
Shegalo dislodges net
Devils camped in Caps zone but no shots
Capitals Full Strength
Devils offside
Devils giving too manuy giveaways
Puck out of play
Face off in the Devils zone
Gametime 6:02
Puck out of play
Face off in the Capitals zone
Andrew Hotham soft SoG
Ben Bowns save from Grigors
Caps have a grat chance after another giveaway
Capitals score
Total lack of discipline from Devils D
Goal was @ 9:08
Capitals icing
Gametime 11:48
Devils need to takethe body says Drew as they are allowing Caps to skate freely
Capitals icing @ 13:45
Capitals icing
Shegalo glove save
Devils have to throw a few hits otherwise the East Europeans will skate all night
Capitals icing
Puck out of play
Face off in the Devils zone
Come on U DEVILS
Final minute
Capitals offside
Face off in the Capitals zone
Time for a goal U DEVILS
end of 1st period Capitals 2 DEVILS 0
Drew says he was looking forward to see the DEVILS, not impressed so far as the make too many errors by missdirected pases
Sizeable RED ARMY contingent in the Scottish Capital I am told
SoG for 1st period Capitals 11 DEVILS 13
Just not good enough, cnnot blame bus legs as they have only travbelled from Glasgow having flown up yesterday
Davis Rees prediction out of the windom Devils winning 3-
Glynne hasd confirmed what Drew has been saying no physical play from Devils
I wander how cold it is in that freezer known as the Murrayfield Ice Rink
Ice ready awaiting teams
Who now appear - well DEVILS at least
Now the Caps appear
Russky calls it 3-2 to Devils
2nd period underway
Layne Ulmer chance
Puck out of play
Neutral ice face off
Ben Bowns glove save @ 22:10
Devils icing
Devils offside
Matt Pope @ 24:04
Assist for Joey Martin on devils opener
Shegalo save from Tyson Strchan
Shegalo covers
DEVILS have certainly upped their game
Drew impressed by Joey Martin
Goal mouth scramble
Devils icing
Ben Bowns good save from Valeyev
Its all Devils at the moment
Shegalo finally covers the puck
@ 33:34
Drew Paris we think although Batch might have tipped it
Patrick Asselin
It was Matt pope who tipped in Devils 2nd goal assist Paris
Assists for Andrew Hotham & Matt Pope on Deviks 3rd
Time out Caps
@ 35:54
Come on Devils keep playing
Devils icing
Latest score Steelers 4 Stars 0
Shegalo save as Devils press
Final minute
End of 2nd period Capitals 2 DEVILS 4
Apologies for not bringing you the score of Devils 4 th goal , Drew said he missed the goal just sae Devils celebrating
Devils burst saw them scoring 3 goals in just olver 2 miutes
Now Steelers winning 5-9 at Dundee
Justin Faryna scred 4th goal assist Matt Pope
Matt Pope has 2+2
I wander if he is one of the players contributors to the forum wanted gassed
SoG for 2nd period Capitals 5DEVILS 13 making it 16-26 after 2 periods
Lets hope the DEVILS know they have to play hard for 40 minutes
60 minutes is in the next chapter of the Coaching Manual
Ice ready
Officials appear as do the Devils
Caps now appear
Come on U DEVILS a couple of quick goals as put this game to bed
Drew now impressed with DEVILS
3rd peiod underway
Face off in the Capitals zone
Shegalo covers
Shegalo saves from Bryce Reddick
Caps goal Callum Boyd 2 on 1 breakaway
@ 43:01
Come on U DEVILS
Drew Paris @ 45:18
Matthew Myers got the only assist on Devils 5th goal
Shegalo stops a wraparound
Puck out of play
Face off in the Capitals zone
@ 48:00
Shegalo coverss
Lets have the next goal U DEVILS
Apologies I have lost Drew for a minute or two - work committments
Hes back gametime 52:55
Face off in the Capitals zone
Tony says Drew is lucky to see the real De vils - a rare event thesedays
Devils giving the puck away again
Gametime 57:02
RED ARMY seem to be happy
Final 2 minutes
Devils seem to be content with their lot
Final minute
Shegalo still in net
19 secs
Shegalo with 3.5 secs left
Final score Capitals 3 DEVILS 5
Our massive thanks to DREW who did a great job at short notice
Devils MoM - MATT POPE
Capitals MoM - Callum Boyd
Thats all for tonight join me (OJ) on Saturday night when the Devils take on the Manchester Storm in the North West
For those of you interested Stars 2 Steelers 7 result