Welcome to MNL for tonight crucial 2nd leg Play Off game against the Belfast Giants.
Remember its a 6:30 face off not the normal 6pm
Finished my team and raring to go
Its me OJ in the MNL studio with Chris & Sharlene at the Tent along with others
Remember score predictions to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk up to face off time
Remember score predictions to matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk up to face off time
Nigel Boniface is the referee this evening
Devils tv were reporting that Ben Davies was a scratch this evening, well there is someone doing a very good impression of him in the warm-up
Lets hope that our server doesn't die on us tonight and that the BT broadband doesn't play up. So don't touch any switches or nobs Ruth
No predictions so far just SPAM from Facebook asking MNL to join. No we will not join you join us
Simon in Plymouth sees the Devils winning 3-1
Anthony O'neil in Belfast forecasts a 4-2 win for the Giants
Bobby Bell calls it a 3-1 win for Belfast
Belfast Eagles take on the game is very interesting 2-1 to the Giants in regulation game in O/T and he deems it to close to call , he also expects a hard dirty game as the youngsters on the Giants roster take the bite and try and make a name for themselves - interesting
Phoenix have clawed one goal back against the Panthers
Devils fans are shouing for the Vipers as they are still tied at 2-2 with the Blaze after 1st period
The ice is done and the Zamboni has gone for its tea or maybe to lie down
Donna Norrie reluctantly thinks the Devils go through after a drawn game tonight at the Tent
Not many texts from Devils fans tonight which is good as they are all at the TENT
Everyone getting tense, I have even got texters telling me not long to go, as if we didn't know
Zamboni has made a re-appearence don't know why
Neil Kellaway can't be at the game - work committment calls it 3-1 Devils
Black out time
Giants take to the ice
Very close call on predictions, by my reckoning it is equal votes for the two teams plus that O/T undecided
It cannot be closer than that
Latulippe, Hill & Voth start for the Devils
Waiting for Mr Boniface to drop the biscuit
WE are away
Game starts at an express speed
1 minute gone
Giants penalty @ 2:11 Sample - hooking
Devils quickly get their pp into gear
Devils 1st goal scored @ 4:00 Towe, assists Silverthorn & Hill PPG
Giants penalty @4:54 Macmillian - elbows
Lets have another one DEVILS
Devils penalty @ 7:16 Silverthorn - hooking
Aubry save @ 7:56
Devils penalty @ 8:49 Hartwick - slashing
27 secs of 3 on 5
Silverthorn returns to the ice
Aubry save @ 9:47
Giants penalty @ 9:47 Macmillan - x-checking
Giants 1st goal scored @ 9:58 Phillips unassisted
Devils go on powerplay
Aubry save @ 11:29
18 secs of Devils pp left
Giants kill penalty
12 minutes gone and it is end to end
Lyle save @ 12:50 followed by handbags
Giants 2nd goal @ 13:19 Cheverie assists Thornton & Phillips
Devils offside @ 14:03
Aubry saves with his mask @ 14:43
Puck out of play @ 15:12
Devils icing @ 15:21
Lyle save at 16:08
Quarter final tied at 3-3
Puck out of play again @ 16:30
Lyle saves @ 17:08 from Elich
Another Lyle save @ 17:38
Devils penalty @ 17:44 Voth - charging
Lets kill this penalty Devils
Final minute of 1st period
Devils kill penalty
Aubry save @ 19:45
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 (3) Giants 2 (3)
Its still all to play for
Good atmosphere at the Tent tonight, close to a sell out, only emplty seats are in the visitors block
Sorry for the quiet interlude but keeping an eye on the Vipers v Blaze game now 2-2 with 6 minutes to go
Tension beginning to mount as the ice is ready for the gladiators
2 minutes to go before the battle re-commences
Both teams back on the ice
Blaze seem to be Nottingham bound with a third goal
We are off for the 2nd period
And its 5 on 5 for a change
Devils icing @ 20:13
Russky thinks Devils have to raise their game a couple of notchers and throw a few hits
Devils offside @ 21:08
Devils 2nd goal @ 23:14 scored by Hill assist Hartwick
Giants penalty @ 23:32 Martin - charging
Lyle save @ 24:23
Lyle save @ 25:00 followed by handbags & penalties
Towe (D): Burgoyne (G) - roughing @ 25:00
4 on 3 ladies and gentlemen
Lyle save @ 26:48
Fantastice save by Lyle @ 27:34 as Towe & Burgoyne return to the ice
Puck goes out of play @ 28:01 on a Giants rush
Nigel has either put his whistle away or lost the pea
Devils penalty @ 29:55 Latulippe - holding
Its gone very quiet I hope its not the network playing up again
Anyone with any news of on Steelers v Capitals text me
Devils kill penalty
32 minutes gone
Davies floors Johnson - you little bully
Whats the tension like over the otherside of the Irish Sea
Now Hill dumps Burgoyne on his backside
Devils Brits have shown up tonight
Elich breakaway @ 34:33 but Giants net somehow comes off its mooring, I wonder how
Aubry save at 35:02
Fantastic game by all accounts
I am glad to hear that the tension in Belfast is as high as it is here in Cardiff Mike
Deniset punches Latulippe who collides with Aubry and Mr Boniface calls nought
Lyle save @ 35:43
36 minutes gone
Calling nought is OK so long as he doesn't call a stupid penalty that can turn the game
After all hockey is a hard and physical contact sport just like marriage
Lyle makes another crucial save @ 36:19 from Elich
Patrick has joined us after being at the Vipers v Blaze game
Lyle save @ 37:25 followed by handbags
No penalties maybe Nigel is interested in getting a handbag for himself
Now Aubry's net comes off @ 37:57
Final 2 minutes of 2nd period
Giants shoot high @ 38:34
We go into the final minute of middle period
Pete says Stelltalk has game at 3-3
Respite at last at the end of 2nd period DEVILS 2 (4) Giants 2 (3)
BBC reports the streets of Belfast are empty - we know why they are all reading MNL
It sounds like a cracking game to finish the season at the Tent.
I was invited to do MNL at the Tent tonight but thought that being at my first for 7 seasons would have been a disstraction. However some of my fellow dissenters made their comebacks tonight.
It will have to wait until next season
So its Coventry & Nottingham to be joined by Sheffield for next weekend plus one of tonights brave teams
Everything to play for for the biggest prize of all the Championship
Well in my days with the Devils the Play Off Championship was the one the players and fans looked forward to most.
I will never forget those game at Wembley, it was hard work keeping that team under control but what a team we had when Wembley came around
Both teams back on the ice for the final 20 miles as John Lawless would say
I can't repeat what Paul Heavey said until after the 9pm watershed
We are off for the 3rd period
Devils 3rd goal @ 41:08 scored by Silverthorn assists by Elich & Maciver
Devils penalty @ 42:10 Latulippe - roughing
Awful call on Latulippe
Awful call by Boniface
Aubry save 42:58
Devils penalty @ 43:56 Bench minot - too many men
Bench penalty being served by Hartwick
Latulippe penalty killed
Aubry save @ 44:34
Devils penalty killed
46 minutes gone
Tension mounting
Aubry save @ 46:50
Can you imagine the calm situation in the middle of the Irish Sea a trough between two highs
48 minutes gone
Once it gets to 50 the clock goes quicker downhill
Dave - a Panther fan dropped in getting excited over a possible Steelers v Devils semi
Aubry felled by Burgoyne @ 28:50
Aubry save @ 49:17
REfresh your page as the scoreline sometimes doesn't update
Awesome save by Aubry say texters
Devils penalty @ 49:55 Prpich - charging
These calls by Boniface are sending the Devils fans mad
Giants goal @ 50:16
Giants 3rd goal a ppg scored by Deniset assist Shields
Devils icing @ 50:41
51 minutes gone
51 minutes gone
Voth limps off ice
Voth limps off
53 minutes gone
Giants penalty @ 53:26 Deniset - high sticks
Voth back on ice after limping off
We are having problems with our server as everyone get online after the other games
Devils penalty @ 54:19 Latulippe - hi sticks
Latulippe gets 10+ Game for misconduct @ 54:18
Latulippe was assessed 10+10 which is a Game
Giants kill penalty
Devils shoot high @ 55:31
Devils shoot high @ 55:31
56 minutes gone
Gametime 56:23
Devils icing @ 56:23
Aubry save @ 56:55
Devils icing @ 57:31
Aubry save @ 57:43
Final 2 minutes
Devils penalty @ 58:16 Prpich - holding
Giants timeout @ 58:16
Crowd on their feet
Lyle pulled
Giants 4th goal @ 58:53 scored by Cheverie assist Martin ppg
Giants penalty @ 59:01 Robbins - interference
Puck out of play @ 59:45
Its into O/T we go DEVILS 3 (5) Giants 4 (5) at the end of regulation
Into O/T Devils have a 4 on 3 pp for 1:02
DEVILS winner scored by you know who BRAD VOTH @ 61:33
Like most of you I need to find a dark room to lie down in
Big thank you to Chhis, Sharlene & Russky our texters tonight
Keep an eye on the Inferno Forum for any plans to bring you MNL from Nottingham
Thats all from me OJ until the next time, we were glad we could bring you the full service tonight especially our viewers in Northern Ireland. Remember it takes TWO teams to produce a game like that. Well done to both teams