The end goal is getting closer
If you are not Sheffield bound (or in Paris) the only place to be tonight is here at MNL as we bring you coverage of the DEVILS challenge for the League Title
Score predictions/comments always welcomed to matchnightlive@gmail.com
IF you are in the Tin Hut for the game lets us have your views of the game on the MNL line 07527 625206
Jopin mer (OJ) from around 6:30 for news on the action as it takes place
Texters tell me that there is a very sizeable RED ARMY in Sheffield
Lets hope after that farciacal showing by the referee in Pariswe are not subjected to a repeat performance from Tom Pering
Matthew M calls it 5-2 to Devils
Pat says any winning score will do
Cornwall Taffy in France predicts a very tough game with DEVILS winning 3-2 in O/T
Warmup underway
Russky hoping Steelers are shattered after last nights win in Belfast and DEVILS secure that voctory that gives them the League Title
Ben Bowns is in warmup
I have my ace team of testers on duty tonight. Rachael, KettDevil, Maria + Phil Bean
No news yet who the wealthy scratch is tonight as all are in warmup
It would appear that Layne Ulmer might be the scratch
Rhodri is hoping for a quiet 1st period then the Devils to win 4-1 as he is running late and will not make the face off
Big turnout by RED ARMy who have had to travel long distance not like Maria who has hoped over from Doncaster
Zamboni chasing its tail
Lights are dimmed
Tom Pering is the referee bless him
The tedious intro starts
Devils on the ice
Anyone following us in exotic places please let us know matchnightlive@gmail.com
We wouls also like to hear from players families especially in Nortb America or former players
Phil says he is uin his seat as are KettDevil, rachael and Maria
There is someone on our side Ireland beat England 13-9
Anthem time
Desmond in Dubai says Come on U DEVILS
Can Barton says Devils will lose 3-2 in ot
No respect to Welsh Anthem from Steelers fans. Not a surprise
Anthems done
You can only hear the RED ARMY
Puck dropped
' 0:26 Mark Richardson
Assists Andrew Lord & Sean Bentivoglio
All steelers at the moment
Gametime 1:55 as Ben Bowns makes save
Frantic start to game
Devils penalty @ 3:24 Matt Myers 2 minutes for tripping
Devils PK looking good
Devils Offside on a breakaway
Steelers penaltyMarkus Nilsson 2 minutes for slashing @ 4:30
Puck out of play '@ 4:52
Ben O'Connor shoots high on a breakaway
Devils Full Strength
Devils Offside on a breakaway
Ben Bowns glove save
@ 5:27
Speed of the game is like a play off decider
Steelers Full Strength
Joey Martin goes close nice save by Moose @ 6:41
Lets go Devils lets go
Celle in Sri Lanka calls it 5-2 to DEVILS thanks to the RED ARMY assisted PP
Big save by Moose @ 8:07
Come on U DEVILS we want another Goal please to settle nerves
Steelers icing @ 9:14
Joey Haddad & Chris Culligan go close to adding a 2nd Devils goal
Josh Batch manhandles a Steeler out of the crease
Moose saves from Guillaume Doucet @ 10:04
Devils piling on the pressure
Steelers penalty @ 10:13
Minor penalties for both teams - Denny Kearney & Mathieu Roy
Roughing for both
Moose save @ 11:04
Joey Martin skating reminds KettDevil of the great Doug McEwen
Steelers penalty @ 11:53 Coyle 2 minutes for holding
Devils Full Strength
Zach Fitzgerald leveled by Andrew Hotham @ 12:39
Rod Sarich now penalised 2 minutes for interference
Devils have 5 on 3 as Steelers turn nasty
Patrick Asselin (17th) @ 13:27
Assists for Joey Haddad & Joey Martin
Devils still on PP
Steelers Full Strength
David Brine goes so close @ 15:43
Matt Myers takes out the ref with a check @18:24
Joey Haddad fires high
Finally minute
Finally minute
Ervins Mustukovs glove save @19:34
End of 1st period Steelers 0 DEVILS 2
For those of you interested in lines although with all the penalties that has beenb thrown out of the windom for long periods
Joey Haddad fires high
Patrick Asselin, Joey Martin + Sean Bentivoglio
Patrick Asselin- Joey Martin - Sean Bentivoglio
Chris Culligan - David Brine - Joey Haddad
KettDevil says excellent1st period, Devils playing very well indeed, night & day from last Sundays performance
apologies my fat fingers gave them a goal
Maria confirms Devils playing much better than last week, she is nrevous and also thinks the game could become eben more chippy
SoG for 1st period Steelers 8 DEVILS 17
Steelers back on ice
As are the DEVILS
Away we go for 2nd period
Quiet astart to period
Ervins Mustukovs covers @21:22
Guillaume Doucet - Denny Kearney - Matt Myers
Moose save @ 22:34
Luke Piggott gets a shift
Ervins Mustukovs covers @21:22
Brilliant block by Andrew Hotham @ 24:32
Devils penalty
@ 25:26Guillaume Doucet 2 minutes for slashing
Steelers Goal a PPG @ 25:47
Ben O'Connor the scorer
ASssists John Armstrong & ???
Geoff Walker was the 2nd assist
Steelers bench minor too many men @ 26:56 Walker sits
Moose save @: 27:33
Joey Martin shoots cms wide @ 27:33
DEVILS PP missfiring
Steelers Full Strength
Gametiome 29:11
Devils icing @ 29:32
KettDevils says Devils are playing a dangerous game - sitting back
Nice save Ben Bowns
Giants 1 Blaze 1 after 1 period
Devils offside @ 31:24
Mark Louis blocks a shot, hes having a good game
great save by Bownsy
Guillaume Doucet Thwrted on breakaway
Come on U DEVILS we nedec a goal Now
Steelers Penalty
@ 33:56Colton Fretter 2 minutes for roughing
LEts get that PP going
Joey Martin @ 34:08 his 17th
assist Andrew Hotham
WE have David Brine inlawas with us from Quebec City
Steelers throwing the dummy out of their pram as usual moaning to referee
Andrew Lord has his first shift of the 2nd period
Gametime 37:05
Devils icing
Ben Bowns save
Ben Bowns having a stormer says KettDevil
I hope they have dug themselves out of the snow drifts in Quebec
Denny Kearney has goal dissallowed for 3 reasons he kicked it in, the goal was off its moorings and ghe was in the crease
Final 2 minutes
Final minute
Good shift from David Brine says Rachael
31 secs remains
end of 2nd period Steelers 1 DEVILS 3
Maria says quieter period asll round, Steelers made more of what they got bur Ben Bowns made some great saves
KettDevil says all going to plan, Steelers running out of ideas
Latest scores Caps 2 Panthers 3 (result) Storm 2 Stars 3; Giants 3 Blaze 1: Fyers 1 Clan 1 all after 2 periods
SoG for 2nd period Steelers 6 DEVILS 8 making it 14-25 after 2 periods
I am not wanting to start an argument but where are those fans that wanted this one or that one sacked
I've eaten enough humble pie (well at least pies) but one of two Devils fans should have Desparate Dan size cow pies to eat infront of the team at the iAW
It would be interesting to see a table of squad changes for each club with a + colm for additions and a -ve colm for those who have left for whatever reason
Devils +! and -0 are impressive
Devils back on ice
Puck dropped for 3rd
Lets go DEVILS Lets Go
Steelers on attack
Gametime 41:53
David Brine shoots high @ 42:22
Steelers think they have scored NO you haven't shot hit post
Steelers icing '@ 43:50
RED ARMY getting very loud
@ 44:12
A bullet from Sean Bentivoglio (15th) unassisted
Devils penalty @ 44:55 Denny Kearney 2 minutes for slashing
Joey Martin has SH chance @ 46:05
Ben Bowns covers
Sean Bentivoglio goes close on another SH breakaway
Devils Full Strength
ast breakaway was by Joey Martin
Gametme 47:48
Gleason Fournier hits crossbar @ 48:31
Steelers offside @ 49:14
Scott Hotham has latest shot @ 49:36
RED ARMY estImated at around 400 - well done you
Andrew Lord almost get the biscuit in the net @ 50:09
Ervins Mustukovs saves from Andrew Hotham
Can you hear the RED ARMY
Steelers goal @ 52:03
Walker assists Markus Nilsson & Ben O'Connor
Steelers penalty @ 53:17John Armstrong 2 minutes for tripping
Andrew Lord with his17th of the league season
PPG @ 53:49
Assists Andrew Hotham & Joey Martin
Devils penalty & Steelers penalty
Devils icing
Gleason Fournier 2 minutes for boarding Denny Kearney 2 minutes for holding the stick
Game time 55:30
One minute killed
Gametime 56:15
Andreas Valdix is the Steeler in sin bin
Steelers penalty Jonathan Phillips 2 minutes for roughing @ 56:27
Moose pulled
Ben Bowns save
Texters in a frenzy
Scott Hotham got 2 minutes for tripping
Final 2 minutes
Steelers hit post
ENG seals it @ 58:04
Ervins Mustukovs back
Patrick Bordeleau got ENG
Final Minute
Having been on the bench we we won our other 4 titles I have been privaleged to bring you MNL coverage of this one
RERD ARMY has gone mad by all accounts
Maris says its mental there
Steelers MoM - Ben O'Connor
Wat a night its going to be tomorrow night when the League champions take a bow at the IAW.
If youare not going to the Fyers game join Bozman who will be hosting MNL. ll be at IAW but don't tell anyone