Welcome to MNL for the eagerly awaited visit of the Devils to Sheffield
Any predictions for tonights game can be sent to me OJ at the MNL studio by e-mailing matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Whilst you do that I will have my tea as I expect to be very busy later.
Fisher & Watkins on the Devils team list this evening
David calls a 4-3 Devils win but regets that there is nothing at stake in this game
Most Devils fams are in fancy dress
Darnell is the referee
Keith predicts a 3-1 win for Devils
Questions being asked if Darnell is strong enough for this game
The ice is ready at Sheffield
Its very quiet on the texts front
Its also quiet on the e-mail front as well, where is everyone?
Spent the afternnon tidying the attic and came across material from the Devilsa exploits in Tilburg when they beat two former Soviet Elite teams
One day I must decide what to do with the tons of Devils material (1986-2000) that I have lying about the house
Typablo calls it 3-2 to the Devils after OF and maybe penalties
Steelers raising their 2008/9 League banner and 2007/8 Play-off banner
No sign of Adams so far
Very bad crowd it would be nugh on empty if Devils fans weren't there
Devils take to the ice
Some broweres saying the MNL is not auto -refreshing, it seems OK on my 2nd PC
Tom calls a 4-2 win for the Devils
Are there any Steeeler fans out there who are with us and not at game?
Rob Dowd announced as the "Golden Child"
Others reporting no problem with auto refresh. If in dout re-fresh as you know that I will not keep quiet for more that 2 minutes if that long
We are away
Voth, Hill & Latulippe up front for Devils
Green in net for Steelers
Devils have made a good start to the game
Stone floors Dowd
Gold dust everywhere
Devils offside @ 2:41
Devils offside @ 2:41
ih-update just doing period updates so stay with MNL as we bring you the news as it happens
Steelers icing @ 3:46
Steelers penalty @ 4:05 Sharp - slashing
Its a bit early for him to get out of his cage
Make him pay with a ppg Devils
5 minutes gone and Devils pp shaping up good
Steelers penalty @ 5:58 Basiuk - slashing
7 secs of 5 on 3
Sharp penalty killed
Green save @ 6:24
Devils 1st goal scored @ 7:12 by Prpich assists Teplitsky & Voth ppg
Green save @ 7:56
My sources thought Tyson had scored not Prpich
No sign of Adams apparently, partner must be in labour
Devils penalty @ 8:01 Elich - interference
Simon we will accept your 3-2 win for the Devils but finish your tea earlier next time
Devils kill penalty
Devils penalty @ 10:07 Teplitsky - holding
Last penalty changed to hooking
I must have a word with that Chemist
Steelers 1st goal @ 19:19 Tait from Basiuk & Cruickshank ppg
Devils goal changed to Teplitsky from Prpich & Voth
That was a Simms C***UP
Game clock is wrong game stopped
To clear up any confusion about G, MNL brought you the news before last nights game that his partner's waters had broken and that he might leave the game at short notice, he didn't but left at the final buzzer
Clok corrected and game starts
Clock still wrong but game continues
Devils offside @ 10:57 roughly
Elich misses a clear chance
Devils 2nd goal scored @ 11:54 by Hill assists Elich & Silverthorn
Adams did not travel to Sheffield today
Trying to contact my texyers at the Maternity Unit without success SORRY
Aubry save @ 14:33
Steelers having to play canned crowd noises as actual fans are silent
Devils icing @ 16:06
17 minutes gone
Very fast open game
18 minutes gone
Voth shot deflected high @ 18:12
DEvils penalty @ 18:48 Maciver - interference
Simms losing it he announced last penalty as roughing
Steelers whistled down for high sticks @ 19:55
End of 1st period Steelers 1 DEVILS 2
Sog for 1st period Devils 10 Steelers 6
BT Ruth thinks Devils will win 4-3 - her predictions are always late and wrong
I suppose the papers in the morning will say that England is the best team in the world
I bet you the AA & RAC were relieved that the wheels hadn't come off all those chariots
Both teams back on the ice
Kerrie thinks I am nasty to the English, well I tell all my mates in Tenerife that I support TWO teams, Wales and whoever is playing against England
I dont think England should play against France in white as it confuses them and they surrender
We are off for 2nd period
Devils kill penalty
Steelers icing @ 22:06
Green save @ 22:30
That article about the French in the Daily Mail was brilliants, I only buy it for the racing and sports pages but when I saw that article I had to read it, brilliant
Devils icing @ 23:27
Aubry save @ 23:41
Aubry save @ 24:42
Steelers Penalty @ 24:58 Dowd - hooking
Lets get that pp into gear and get us a goal Devils
Dowd upset with Darnell calling that penalty
Green save @ 26:16
Devils 3rd goal scored @ 26:29 Jarvis, assist Hill
Steelers offside @ 27:28
The 3rd Devils goal was a ppg
Aubry save @ 27:44
I'd forgotten about the cricket 20/20 - England rubbish as usual
Gone very quiet, referee stops game as Stellers fans snoringt puts off the players
Steelers 2nd goal scored @ 29:03 scored by Sheppard assist Tait
Who should have kept his mouth shut?
Steelers goal was error by Aubry
Puck out of play @ 30:15
2nd Steelers goal came after a shot from the blueline that Aubry missjudged
Devils penalty @ 32:15 Jarvis - hooking
Rubbish call according to one of my texters
32 minutes gone
Steelers penalty @ 32:29 Dowd - hooking
16 seconds of 4 on 4
Jarvis penalty I believe was at 30:45
Jarvis penalty killed
Green save @ 33:56
Another Green save @ 34:04
Steelers kill penalty with ease
Being asked "How can we shut up Dave Simms"
Darnell is using a random generator for his calls tonight
Devils penalty @ 36:03 Latulippe - interference
Devils penalty @ 36:03 Latulippe - interference
37 minutes gone, Devils playing well
Penalty killed
Devils 4th goal scored @ 38:18 by Elich, assists Towe & Maciver
Final minute of 2nd period
Russky suggests that one way to shut Simms up is to tell him someone wants to buy one of the houses he's selling, he'll soon leave as he probably sold his last on in the off season
Its gone very quiet
Apologies Mark it was your suggestion to ask Simms about house sales
End of 2nd period Steelers 2 DEVILS 4
Elich's goal as an ace according to reports from Sheffield
Russky Jody didn't play last night as well, being rested I suppose now the league title was in the bag
Devils outshot Steelers in 2nd period 14-8
I see Capitals are winning 4-2 after 2 at Coventry but nothing coming out of Hull, Capitals or Stingrays is the only major issue to be decided
Here we go with the 3rd period
It would appear that Steelers only have 9 forwards so Sharp is getting a regular shift - can he cope I ask
Devils shot deflected out of play @ 41:06
Steelers came close to putting puck in own net - was it Sharp I ask
Devils icing @ 42:26
No regretfully we cannot shoot Dave Simms in order to shut him up, but maybe we can it is Yorkshire after all
Prpich hits cross bar
Lower. lower SHOOT
Devils shot goes out of play @ 44:11
Neil is being greedy he wants a 6-2 road win for the Devils
Well we will see
Voth having words with Basiuk
Steelers penalty @ 44:44 Sarich - hooking
46 minutes gone
Devils pp functioning, not in overdrive but OK
Steelers kill penalty
Steelers icing @ 47:09
Devils 5th goal @ 47:25 scored by Prpich, assists Latulippe & Voth
That puts Prpich equal with Mark Smith for Devils league goals in a season
Green save @ 48:09
There is no pleasing my chief texter Chris he now moans that game lacks intensity
A big win in Sheffield is to be treasured no matter the circumstances
Remember that epic game at Wembley?
50 minutes gone, Steelers are awful
THose few Steelers fans present will start to leave soon.
What we should do is keep quiet as they are asleep
51 minutes gone
Finnerty not playing tonight
Voth hits pipes again
Steelers 3rd goal @ 53:09 scored by Sarich assist Phillips
Fisher and Watkins have had a bit of ice, not as much as Ben would have
Puck out of play at 54:26
Voth shot also goes out of play @ 54:38
55 minutes gone weird atmosphere by all accounts
Dagenais floors Silverthorn
Waiting to hear if there is any sign of my mate Bob
Steelers penalty @ 56:40 Mumm - interference
Still I might ask Tony Blair to look him up when he is out in the Middle East next
Steelers penalty @ 57:50 Sarich 10 minute misconduct
Devils 6th goal scored @ 57:56 by Voth, assists Prpich
Devils offside @ 58:46
Final score Steelers 3 DEVILS 6
Emails suggested Teplitsky injured my texters say he was icing until end of game
Devils MoM ELICH
Steelers MoM awaiting news, rumour has it was given to SIMMS and he his making his way down from the heights
Steelers MoM TAIT
Thanks for all the e-mails its been a busy night
Big thank you to Chris S and Steve in Sheffield
Thanks for all the e-mails its been a busy night
Thats all from me OJ until next weekend six more wins on the trot and we will be CHAMPIONS