Well after last nights debacle lets hope for a much improved performance, they have a chance as I am not there to jinx them. Join me (Russky) from 5:30pm for all the usual MNL shenanigans, fun and games of predictions Latest scores and once the puck drops live unrivalled text commentary.
If you want to send in your comments and/or predictions, please email them to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Catch you all later folks.
Evening all.
In the words of Yazz in her song of the late 1980s The only way is up!
Lets hope for a markedly improved performance that they have shown in previous games this season against the Steelers.
It would seem that the warm up is well in progress at the IAW.
The first few predictions have arrived. Phil Egan who expects a 4-3 win in the Devils favour, where as Bozman is a bit more confident with a 5-2 to the Devils
Interesting scoreline coming in from the NIC where the Panthers trial the Blaze 3-2
The other games this evening are Storm v Giants; Edinburgh v Fife; and Stars v Clan
The last few seconds of the warm up
that's the warm up done and dusted.
Tonights ref is the ever popular Mike Hicks. Ilia Kisil and Sam Motton are the Linos
The Zamboni has been sent out like a naughty child to do its chores before playtime.
Very quiet on the predictions front, so far just 2.
Hazel from Southend, also goes for 4-3 Devils win
Hazel was baffled by last nights performance but she hopes the Devils 'socks it' to the Steelers.
Culligan and Bentivoglio sit out tonight,
Seems Culligan still isn't 'quite there yet' as Lordo would put it, Benti's injury is not known and something of a surprise.
the Inflatable Devil is being fiilled up with perhaps some of Simmsy's hot air.
Lights down Intro in progress.
Video being shown saying ' remember just who we are'
Our lone texter is on duty but having some signal problems so don't know how frequent the texts will be.
Sally James predicts a Devils 3-1 win, Didn't she use to be on Tiswas???
Cornwall Taffy is hoping for an improved physical performance but doesn't state a score.
Devils standing on their defensive blue line as they are introduced. Wearing black with red shoulders and red shorts.
Steelers in white with orange shoulders and orange shorts
Anthem time.
two more predictions Drew has it as 2-1 Devils;Matthew Moore reckons Devils will lose. BOOOOOOOO. he hopes hes wrong tho'
pucks about to drop. AND IT DOES
we are underway.
Steelers on the attack
early sparring exchanges.
Haddad shot blocked by Roy
big hit by Lordo on Frantzen
another hit by Lord.
Devils undoubtedly upped the physicality from last night.
Bjorklund blocks a devils shot
Bownsy pads away a shot
Martin and Morrisette try to combine with a end shot
Being flicked away
end to end action
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Desbiens and Batch
5 each there for fighting
Devils with a chance. Steelers scramble puck away
Apparrently the clock at the IAW not working
Bordeleau and Fitzy looking as if they want to scrap
Fitzy chickens out and goes to the bench
Devils Hagos 2 minutes for holding
Devils PP I mean
Hagos is a Steelers player
Game time 14:40
Martin shoots Mustokovs saves
now play goes to other end of rink, Bownsy saves
Hoping to get Phil Egan's end of period synopsis
Lordo misses a chance denied by Mustokovs
Steelers pen D Phillips 2 minutes for slashing
Hicks and Paul Thonpson having a chat
its getting a bit gippy out there
Devils cant get set up on PP
Ulmer trying to repeat his goal against caps but gets robbed of the puck
Desbiens and Batch released from the naughty step
Devils cant pounce on a Mustokovs rebound
Devils having more of the play tonight than they did last night.
Devils clearing their D zone
Devils under pressure for now. Bownsy is doing well tonight
Lordo shoots
bownsy with a big save
Melee infront of Bownsy
Face off in the Devils zone
Myers down injured.
Play goes on as Myers goes off for treatment
Devils clear their zone
Fairly even at the moments
Phillips shoots wide.
Haddad just escapes a check then
Ratchuk shoots wide.
Bownsy pads the puck away
Bowns saves from Levi Nelson
Steelers starting to impose themselves
Bownsy saves again
Martin shot blocked by Davy Phillips.
Devils battling along the boards
Haddad shoots but Mustokovs keeps it out
2 mins left in the first
Devils a lot quicker and alert tonight
Fitgerald gets hit by Lord and then Bordy in quick succession
Both teams getting turnovers
its a very tight game
neutral zone face off
and that's the end of a very entertaining period of hockey,
Phil Egan says that was a very intense period. Much better than last night.Devils playing a much more physical style. Batchy having a decent tilt with Desbiens. His highlight was Fitzy being too chicken to go with Bordy.
Latest scores Panthers 5 Blaze 5; Edinburgh 2 Fife 3. Mancheser 0-0 Belfast; Dundee 0-0 Braehead
Panthers win shoot out over Blaze game over
Manchester 1 Belfast 1
SOGs Devils 7 Steelers 14 Really??????
it may be right but I am surprised
I reckon we will see a but nore fisticuffs
cant be long before the players come out for 2nd period.
and here they come
I can report that OJ has returned safely from Tenerife
and we are underway in the 2nd
which we are all thankful for.
Morrisette with an early shot
Haddad fires one wide after wonderful build up
Steelers Pen 2 many men
Lets go Devils
Devils trying to set up. Haddad with another shot, Mustokovs pads it away
Haddad scores
assists Fournier and Lord at 22:09
Asselin clears the D zone
Haddad got a stick tip on a Fournier shot whilst screening Mustokovs
Armstrong shot padded away by Bowns
Lordo blocks a Desbiens shot
Face off in the Devils zone
Fretter hit by Fitzy slapshot
Neutral zone slapshot
Doucet with a shot.
Face off in the Steelers zone
Bownsy saves from Roy, Hooking call missed by Hicksy.
Schultz shoots wide on Breakaway
Face off in the Devils zone
Bownsy saves again.
Face off in the Devils zone Face off in the Devils zone
oops sorry
Bowns saves from O Connor
Steelers getting control of this game
lots of puck possession for Steelers
Bowns pads away a shot
Bordy hitting anything that moves
creates space for a Lordo shot
Bordy winding up Desbiens and Fitzy
neither seem to want to fight
Haddad and Doucet combine wel but no end result
end to end hockey again.
10 mins played in 2nd game time 30:05
Bowns giving up a few rebounds
Mustokovs saves from Piggott and Brine.
Face off in the Steelers zone
Fretter scores
assisted by Hagos and Frantzen
Steelers keeping Devils penned behind their Defensive Blue line
morrisette and Martin almost combine for a goal
Fournier with a big hit
icing call against Devils
Devils pressured by Steelers
Bordy and Lord work together but Lord cant get the shot away
Steelers shot hits the bar
Steelers look more threatening
Fournier shoots but Mustokovs blocks
Pad save by Bowns
Devils under the kosh at moment
Asselin to Morrisette saved by Mustokovs
Lord stops Roy in his tracks
Icing by both teams
Facing at centre ice
seconds left in 2nd
Davey Phillips and Doucet having words at the end of the 2nd. Big 3rd Period needed from Devils
Latest scores elsewhere: Storm 1-1 Belfast; Edinburgh 4-3 Fife; Dundee 0-2 Braehead,
SOGS Devils 10 Steelers 1. who is counting these???
SOGs now corrected to Devils 10 Steelers 9 17-23 overall
Just waiting on 2nd period synopsis from Phil Egan
time for a cuppa methinks.
He's probably found his way to the bar or queuing for the gents
Steelers queued up in their tunnel looking to step back on the ice.
Devils back on the ice
Phil Egan is also experiencing signal problems so our 2nd period synopsis a little delayed,
3rd is underway I the 3rd period.
Fretter with a chance but marshalled away from the Devils goal
Bownsy saves a deflected Roy shot
Face off in the Devils zone
Bownsy saves again.
Lord on the Breakaway shoots but Mustokovs pads it away
Jones felled by Philips shove
Face off in the Steelers zone
game on a knife edge but Steelers have the upper hand
A Hotham picks Desbiens pocket
scored by Asselin top shelf assisted by Martin
Ratchuk with a solo effort but a shove puts him off balance and into the boards behind Bownsy's goal
no call on that play
Batch with a big hit
Batch with a big hit
Bowns saves there
from Dowd.
Face off in the Devils zone
Mustokovs saves twice quickly. Devils had the goal at their mercy but mustokovs saves
Roy scores
Devils had the Steelers on the ropes there but Steelers breakaway
Face off in the Steelers zone
Devils all hands to pumps in Defence
Steelers regroup behind their own goal
Bownsy saves
hotham and myers working hard
a lot of tension
present in the rink.
Face off in the Steelers zone
Devils shot saved by Mustokovs Face off in the Steelers zone
Bordeleau with a big hit in the corner
Devils trying to create a chance in front of steelers goal
8 mins left in 3rd
Devils player tripped but no call from Hicks
Louis and Hagos tangle behind the Devils goal
Devils shoot wide
Face off in the Steelers zone
Bownsy saves
Devils pen S Hotham 2 minutes for holding 54:07
KILL the PEN Devils
Richardson stops Ratchuk from shooting
Steelers goal waived off. goal off the moorings
Bordeleau kicks puck off the goal-line
Batches stick clears the puck off the line,
Face off in the Devils zone
Morrisette hooked back but no call
Devils FS
Face off in the Devils zone
game time 56:40
Desbiens shoots over Bownsy's goal
last two minutes of regulation
Martin shoots wide of Mustokovs
Face off in the Steelers zone
Haddad trying to create something in the last 30 seconds
Bowns covers
Face off in the Devils zone
end of regulation Into overtime we go
one point bagged lets make it two
3 on 3 hockey, loads of space to create chances.
Phil Egan says third similar to 2nd, Devils lucky to have that goal waived off
OT underway
Bownsy saved from Bowns
Morrisette shot saved
Steelers try to get a player free on the fly, Bownsy saves
Face off in the Devils zone
Bowns saves from Roy
steelers finding it easier to set up than Devils
Steelers offisde
neutral zone face off
Martin shoots wide
Martin has another chance.
end to end 3 on 3
Bowns saves
Face off in the Devils zone
Haddad shoots straight at Mustokovs
Face off in the Steelers zone
Bowns sprawling in his circle
Fournier 2 minutes for slashing
Bad time to kill a pen
4 on3 for steelers
cant have less than 3 men on ice so Steelers have extra player
o connor shot blocked by hotham
Blocked by Morrisette, steelers having much the better of OT
Bowns saves from Ratchuk
Bowns glove save sees the Devils survive OT
Penalty shoot out
Schultz misses and hits the post
Jake Morrisette shoots wide
Armstrong miscontrols puck and it goes way wide.
Martin saved by Mustokovs
Fretter stick poked by Bowns
Asselin scores and Devils WIN
what a game, what a great result for the Devils after last night
Awesome game and Awesome result
Steelers MOM Mustokovs
Devils MOM Patrick Asselin for his two goals
Belfast beat Manchester 2-1; Edinburgh beat Fife 6-3; Latest score Dundee 3-4 Braehead.
Thanks to our lone texter and End of period synopsis guru Phil Egan
Well what a game. I don't know who is hosting next Saturday but I would guess OJ on his sun kissed return from Tenerife.
Goodnight all Nos Da Pawb