Welcome to MNL as the Vevils try to extend their winning run with a victory over Hull Stingrays
Must get my head and typing into gear after watching the rugby. Send any predictions for tonights game to me OJ at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Must get my head and typing into gear after watching the rugby. Send any predictions for tonights game to me OJ at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Must get my head and typing into gear after watching the rugby. Send any predictions for tonights game to me OJ at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Awaiting my first texts from the Tent and watching Scotland taking Ireland to the wire
Awaiting my first texts from the Tent and watching Scotland taking Ireland to the wire
No predictions for tonights game, were are everyone?
I believe tonights referee is Thompson, seeking confirmation
Maybe everyone are saving themselves for Sundays game at Sheffield, a game which we will be bringing you at MNL
Nick says 4-1 Devils
Well there is at least one hockey fan out there
Zamboni on its last lap
Thompson confirmed as referee
Both teams on the ice
Hull came on late after the Devils had taken to the ice
Gareth calls it 2-1 Devils but it will depend on how the Devils play in first period
MaIver & Kostadine to dance says Nick, well we will see
Eternal optimist Keith in Aberystwyth predicts a 3-1 Devils win
Susan is more optimistic and sees a 5-2 win for the Devils
We are off
Voth, Hill & Latulippe, with Maciver & Jarvis on D start
Cruikshanks net comes off after 29 seconds
Devils have Stephen Fisher & Cory Watkins on duty tonight
Prpich misses pass and collides with net @ 0:53
Devils icing @ 1:21
We might lose our Player?coach at any moment tonight
Aubry save @ 2:05
Voth floors Turenen
G might have to leave us as his partners water has burst for their first child
Maiver floor Glowa
Cruickshank save @ 3:17
You can rely onh MNL to bring you the "breaking news"
Another Cruickshak save @ 3:38
At least G is in Cardiff I'll tell you a story later about the trip when JL & missus was expecting their 2nd
5 minutes gone, some big hits being thrown
Fisher wearing #2 and Watkins #3
Aubry save @ 7:01
Latulippe & Kostadine have words
Devils penalty @ 7:21 Teplitsky - holding
Devils kill penalty with ease
Elich hits pipes when net was empty
Aubry save @ 10:16
I think Hull have got problems re-play offs as Capitals are winning 2-0 at Nottingham
Silverthorn throws massive hit on Turunen - stop picking on him you nasty Devils
Devils are wasting clear chances
Hull penalty @ 14:01 Koulikov - hooking
Tian Ward makes a good point "Do the Devils hit the pipes as often as we report on MNL"
We didn't hit the pipes then
Devils 1st goal @ 15:02 Jarvis, assists Maciver & Voth ppg
Devils offside @ 15:47
Hull icing @ 16:45
I must admit that I am puzzled by the reference to hits pipes but that is what is text to me
It is now Fisher's tyrn to flatten Turunen, who is not very happy
Final 2 minutes of 1st period
For a change Hill flattens Lalmikov
End of 1st period DEVILS 1 Stingrays 0
Carrying on with my story, well Debbie Lawless was expecting their 2nd child are the Devils were due for a two game road trip, I think it was Cleveland Bombers and Whitley Bay. Well JL was only allowed to go if I took my car up north to bring him back to Cardiff if needed.
Nothing happenned and I had to drive back from Whitley Bay on Sunday night with John Burnicle for company and it was foggy all the way home and I mean foggy
The network is playing up more than usual tonight, just had the text about Devils goal from one of my texters, so apologies in advance if I get some duff news to you
Both teams back on the ice for 2nd period
2nd period starts
Cruickshank save @ 20:10
Devils icing @ 20:23
Devils 2nd goal scored @ 21:13 scored by Voth assist Stone
Lovely backhand shot that missed the pipes
Cruickshank save @ 22:49
Another Cruickshank save @ 23:48
Devils have set up camp in the Stingrays zone
25 minutes gone, very open game at the moment but most chances going to the Devils
Devils over eager go offside @ 25:56
It was bound to come as Devils creating chance after chance
Devils 3rd goal scored @ 26:42 Silverthorn from Maciver
Yes another one, just like Cardiff Buses
Devils 4th goal scored @ 27:21 Silverthorn, assists Prpich & Elich
Lets have a breather
Crickshank save @ 29:33
Yes Ruth we aim to please, even latecomers
Good save Cruickshank @ 30:01
Hull icing @ 30:24
Hull offside @ 30:34
Another Hull icing @ 31:38
Well it is one way of releasing the pressure
Devils Penalty @ 31:53 Silverthorn - interference
Gareth is now claiming that his 5-0 DEvils win prediction of last week was really for tonight, well I don't think your are going to get this one right, there are more goals in this game
Devils kill penalty
Devils Goal
Devils 5th goal scored @ 34:09 by Teplitsky, assists Silverthorn & Prpich
Maciver floors Esders
Hull leaving 3 players on the blueline to cover breakouts
Hull penalty @ 37:49 Neumeier - holding
Final minute of 2nd period
The topic for discussion in 2nd interval is play off system
Play stopped for high sticks @ 39:37
Hull kill penalty
End of 2nd period DEVILS 5 Stingrays 0
Just on the buzzer to end 2nd period Glowa floors Stone
Play off quarter finals based on a single home & away is a joke.
Two groups of 4 playing each other home and away gives you six games of highly competitive hockey. It also gives you increased revenue as you get much bigger gates than those seen now for games that don't really mean anything, maybe to Hull but the result tonight does really change the Devils position
I remember play off games played as a speed and intensity that would make your hair stand on end and had the crowd buzzing
Let me know what you think at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Championship Games - Semi-finals & Final is the place for one off games
In three week time Devils play Nottingham or whoever and the result of the first game could make the result of the 2nd immaterial
In two legged affairs I can recall Lawless keeping his top line on the bench if we were scoring too many goals in the away leg as it would impinge on the gate for the 2nd leg
Kerrie and Ruth agree with me
Kerrie also thinks Nottingham can't match Wembley, I would agree but haven't been to Finals at Nottingham only Manchester Arena after the Wembley glory years
Yes Gareth I agree best of 3,5 or 7 will not work in the UK because of ice availability
Teams are back on the ice
No the next topic will not be black or pink pucks
We are off
Additional assists Devils 2nd goal Maciver; 5th goal Jarvis
Cruickshank save @ 41:42
Chris is moaning he didn't win "Shirt of his back"
Voth hits pipes
Cruickshak save @ 43:06
Cruickshank replaced by Jaszczyk
Devils 6th goal scored @ 44:30 Jarvis, assist Towe
Good save by Jas @ 45:31
Don't ask me to type in his name again, my keyboard only has a few Z
Prpich breakaway saved
Devils Goal
Devils 7th Goal @ 48:38 Voth, assists Hill & Latulippe
Who will get his hattrick first, Voth, Silverthorn or Jarvis
Hull offside @ 50:04
Fisher throws big hit on Wilson
Around 1,200 in Tent tonight, not bad as it is the 5th home game in 8 days
54 minutes gone
We believe G is still there
Devils penalty @ 55:07 Fisher - tripping
Well that is one way to get on the gamesheet
Penalties @ 55:45 Maciver (D) Glowa (S) - slashing
Hull Goal @ 56:05
Hull goal scored by Kalmikov
Confirmation G is still on the bench
Hull goal was a 4 on 3
Puck out of play @ 57:40
Devils penalty @ 57:44 Stone - tripping
I did ask the Chemist for extra strength tablets to keep Devils out of sinbin
Stone returns
Final Score DEVILS & Stingrays 1
Stingrays MoM Kalmikov
After the Hull @ 56:05 goal Aubry left the Devils net to be replaced by Myers, I just didn't get that info until the game ended - apologies
G went as soon as final buzzer sounded - down the tunnel and away best of luck to the two of them
Our thanks to Chris & Sharlene our texters
The network is driving me up the wall and makes the job more difficult
All the e-mailers are wishing GT & Mrs G the best of luck
Thata all from me OJ if you are not at Sheffield tomorrow night join me here on MNL