CROESO -WELCOME to MNL as the Giants make it across the Irish Sea to Cardiff Bay for a crucial league encounter
The Devils will aim to extend their winning run to SIX games
After securing the points in O/T against the Storm last night the onus will be on the DEVILS to make it a 4 point weeekend and consolidate their top of the table position
Score predictions as usual welcomed as are repeatable comments - to matchnightlive@gmail.com
Mobile signal at the IAW continues to be near non existent but we will do our utmost to bring you as complete a coverage as possible
Join me (OJ) from around 5:30 when hopefully a full IAW will be rocking
It will be the RED ARMY's final practice before the Scottish Triple Header
If you owe RED ARMY TRAVEL any money for the Scottish adventure tonights the time to pay
Warmup in progess at IAW
Mark G gets his prediction in early before making his way to IAW - win for Devils 4-2 he says
Pat goes for the same score
Blaze concede 3 goals in opening 5 minutes against Steelers in Coventry- now Blaze 0 Steelers 4
Warmup completed as players slowly leave the ice
Rob Batch is very confident and predicts a 6-1 victory for DEVILS
Rob we did leave a message for Kevan that we were mocing out of the timber dolls house aks BBT
Lets have a great send off for Scotland. After tonight no League action at IAW until 20th November
No Patrick Asselin or Scott Hotham tonight
David Rutherford the only scratch for Giants
Teams on the ice
Russky goes for a 4-1 win
Team intros
Michael Hicks is the referee
Lets have a good start tonight U DEVILS
Puck dropped
Giants clear zone
CJ on with Haddad & Myers
Doucet with Morrissette and Martin
Murphy saves
Ulmer Lord & Bentioglio
Devils clear zone
Both teams fore checking
Devils icing @ 4:37
Another Devils icing
CJ has shot saved
Devils pressure
Giants offside
Face off in the Giants zone
Ben bowns save
Devils clear zone after Giants pressure
Gametime 8:20
Big hit Patrick Bordeleau
Mark Richardson shots wide
Face off in the Devils zone
Gametime 10:33
Giants getting a lot of possession
Devils penalty Matt Myers 2 minutes for high sticks @ 11:24
Myers got 2 + 2 for high stick
1 minute killed
One minor killed
Gametime 13:50
Lord SH breakaway Murphy saves
Giants penalty Vandermeer 2 minutes for slashing @ 14:32
Devils will have a PP for 1:19 after the current 4 on 4
Devils Full Strength
fnal secs of PP
Giants Full Strength
gametme 17:20
Both teams very cagey
Trippng penalty for Forney @ 17:10
Now in final minute
Martin hits post
Giants Full Strength
End of 1st period DEVILS 0 Giants 0
Told that whilst there were very few clear chances the best two went to DEVILS 9Richardon & Martin)
SoG for 1st period DEVILS 6 Giants 5
Latest scores Blaze 1 Steelers 5 (after 35 mins); Clan 2 Panthers 1; Capitals 1 Storm 1
Well done to rec team Cardiff Bay Lighting and Lucifers "Learn to play" who raised £100for Matzka Appeal last night
Ice ready waiting for teams
Teams are back
no officials
puck dropped
Murphy covers
Giants penalty 2 minutes for hooking Riley @ 0:59
Stephen Murphy saves from Gleason Fournier
David Brine wth is first goal @ 3:02
Stephen Murphy save
Assists for Richardson & Hotham on Devils opening goal
Sean Bentivoglio misses when it would have been earier to score
Big hit on Morissette by Vandermeer
Sean Bentivoglio I think the scorer (his 4th)
@ 27:38
Joey Martin (his 5th) @ 28:16
Ben Bowns save
Big hit by Luke Piggott gets the RED ARMY going
Andrew Lord got the only assis on Devils 2nd goal
Morissette & Doucet credited with assists on 3rd goal
Giants penalty Forney 2 minutes for high sticks @ 30:49
Lets have another PPG U DEVILS
Devils regroup and set set up in Giants zone
David Brine now on PP
Face off in the Giants zone
Giants Goal
Deflection beats Bowns SHG for Alex Foster
Giants Full Strength
Giants Goal Jim Vandermeer
Devils Time out
Assists for Towe & Nickerson on Giants 1st goal
Assits for Demaris & Seviano on Giants 2nd
Giants 3rd goal timed @ 13:19
Andrew Lord takes his first shift after blocking a heavy shot
Another big hit by Patrick Bordeleau
IAW crowd very subdued
Gametime 36:25
Devils Penalt Mark Richardson 2 minutes for slashing @ 36:53
Devils clear zone
1 minute killed
Devils clear zone
Devils Full Strength
Final minute
Come on U DEVILDS lets have a goal
30 secs left
End of 2nd period DEVILS 3 Giants 2
MaCgrattan & Rosehill have a fight
Clan 3 Panthers 1 - after 37 minutes
SoG for 2nd period DEVILS 12 Giants 7 making it 18-12 after 2 periods
Clan now lead 4-1
Latest scores Blaze 1 Steelers 6@ Stars 2 Flyers 2; Capitals 1 Storm 3 and Clan 4 Panthers 1
Ice ready
Officials not late this perid they are out on the ice
Blaze 1 Steelers 6 - result
Teams back
Waiting for ice to freeze
3rd period starts
devils clear zone
Murphy save from Lord
Andrew Lord has another SoG
Gametime 43:12
Devils Offside
4 minutes gone in 3rd
Giants pressure
Bowns covers
Devils were penned in their end
Gametime 45:30
Guillaume Doucet his 4th @ 46:07
Assist Mark Louis
Giants Offside
Sean Bentivoglio 2 minutes for diving, Martinelle 2 minutes for hooking
Its 4 on 4
@ 46:51
Save Ben bowns (x2)
Face off in the Giants zone
@ 49:01
Both teams now Full Strength
Devils Offside
Devils clear zone
Devils icing
Gametime 52:05
Patrick Bordeleau laying hit after hit
Gametime 54:05
Last 5 minutes
Devils icing @ 56:04
Face off in the Devils zone
Giants time out
Game restarts
Murphy lifted
Matt Myers misses epty net
Devils Penalty Andrew Hotham 2 minutes for slashing @ 57:14
Devils clear zone
Last 2 minutes
ENG by Guillaume Doucet
@ 58:09
Murphy back in net
Correction - goal scored by Jake Morissette
Assist Marl Louis
Giants penalty Boxhill @ 59:09
Devils FS
Giants Jim Vandermeer
@ 59:30
Devils have a 5 0n 3
Save Murphy
Final score DEVILS 5 Giants 2
Still Clan 4 Panthers 1 after 46 minutes
Devils MoM - Guillaume Doucet
Thats all from me, MNL will be covering the Scottish Triple header - Russky will be in the hot chair on Friday, I will be back for the Stars game on Saturday.
I need a rest after going 6 and 0 as per the Devils