Welcome to MNL is it 24 hours already
Tonight we bring you the second course of Devils v Phoenix, lets hope it is as palatable as last nights first course
Send me your predictions to me OJ at matchnightlive@the-inferno.co.uk
Apologies to those newcomers to MNL who didn't know the e-mail address, I forgot, age has got something to do with it.
Apologies to those newcomers to MNL who didn't know the e-mail address, I forgot, age has got something to do with it.
Lets hope I have some predictions tonight it was very lonely but I now know why.
Lets hope we have a bumper audience on MNL tonight of those of you who for various reasons cannot make it to the Blue Tent
I am sure there will be some Phoenix fans joining us at MNL
I wonder if the 15 or so Phoenix fans who were there last night have stayed over for this second game
I hope they, along with their team sampled our SA & Dark.
Brains will always get you two points or was it pints
We do hope we have a big take up of MNL tonight and for the rest of the season, the viewing figures have been amazing.
Carl in Carmarthen calls it 4-2 to the Devils with Elich to score and Voth to put Clouthier on his backside
Carl in Carmarthen calls it 4-2 to the Devils with Elich to score and Voth to put Clouthier on his backside
Waiting for my texters to get in touch, lets hope we get a bigger crowd tonight with no footie on the box
Carl tells me there is a footie game on TV tonight featuring Man City
More important - for me anyway - has anyone got a hot tip for last day at Cheltenham, I drew another blank day today opposing the favourites but pick the wrong horses
My ancestors would not have been impressed as they have won 8 Gold Cups between them
Keith just wants a win and will join us later after his meeting, he does predict that there will be a fight early on in the game
Still no texts from Chris & Sharlene
Panic beginning to set in
Michael Hicks is the referee, there is some doubt
Intro time at Tent
Phoenix are out on the ice
I hope its not going to be another night with texts arriving out of sequence = but it looks like it
Michael Hicks confirmed as referee
Welcome onto the ice your CARDIFF DEVILS
No predictions to matchnighlive@the-inferno.co.uk from Phoenix fans
Texters friend calls it 3-1 Devils
Bigger crowd than last night
They must be singing all the verses of the Anthem
We are away
Devils start with Hill, Voth & Latulippe up front
Maciver & Jarvis on D
Devils penalty @0:25 Latulippe - hooking
Those "Stay out of the box drugs" didn't last long
Phoenix hit pipes
Murphy save @ 2:17
Penalty killed easily
Devils playing well
Murphy save @ 3:33
Phoenix offside @ 4:27
Voth hits pipes
5 minutes gone Devils have started as the better team
Dunn floors Prpich
7 minutes gone
Phoenix icing @ 7:16
Devils have created chances
Devils have created chances
Another Phoenix icing @ 7:55
Aubry save @ 8:58
Sorry can't bring you more exciting news
Devils icing @ 9:23 following a "crap" pass
Must be a new technical term
Aubry save @ 10:12
Devils have the puck but don't seem to be able to clear zone
They finally did and Murphy malkes a good save
Phoenix offside @ 10:44 following poor Devils play by Elich of all people
11 minutes gone and Devils gain relief after prelonged Phoenix offense
Devils icing @ 12:32
Where have all the Phoenix fans gone, well not to MNL
Despite Phoenix being camped in Devils zone they have not created many chances
Phoenix miss a tap in with Devils net unguarded
Devils 1st goal scored @ 14:23 by Prpich, assist Teplitsky
Murphy save @ 14:54
Prpich needs one more EIHL goal to equal Mark Smiths record of 33
Ace save by Aubry
EIHL club goals record
Final minute of 1st period
Hill floors Bruce
Phoenix thought they had scored @ 19:44 Hicks says NO
End of 1st Period DEVILS 1 Phoenix 0
Time for a coffee
Game is more competive than last nights affair with some big hits
Both teams return to the ice
We are off for 2nd period
Murphy save @ 20:09
Another Murphy save @ 20:54
Adams floors Burnett mid ice
Phoenix offside @ 23:32
Phoenix Goal @ 24:28
Phoenix goal scored by Hand assist Garbutt
Phoenix had a 4 oin 2 breakaway, moved the puck and scored
Devils passing on the otherhand is "pants"
Devils hit pipes - Phoenix goal I assume
Hill breaks his stick whilst on a chance of a SoG
Maciver hit on the leg by puck and skates off hurt @ 27:32
29 minutes gone
Devils 2nd goal scored @ 29:51 by Voth, assists Prpich & Silverthorn
Murphy save @ 30:22
Great save by Murphy @ 31:02
Maciver back on the ice, thats a relief
Devils 3rd goal @ 33:13 scored by Hill assist Voth
Devils icing @ 34:04
Hill goal came of a breakaway, sweet goal
Devils penalty @ 35:06 Hartwick - interference
Lets kill this penalty DEVILS
Penalty kill up to the mark so far
Devils kill penalty
Devils penalty @ 37:13 Jarvis - tripping
Devils had more chances during their PK than Phoenix had on their PP
Phoenix 2nd goal @ 38:31 ppg scored by Mulherin, assists Dunn & Ward
Murphy save @ 39:08
Followed by another 4 seconds later
End of 2nd Period DEVILS 3 Phoenix 2
Good Game as Bruce would say
The text service is bad, just had a text that the Devils have scored and they are in the dressing room
WE are off for the third period
41 minutes gone Devils under pressure
Aubry save @ 41:37
44 minutes gone its end to end hockey
Good attempt by Elich but Murphy saves boo, hiss, boo
Devils penalty @ 44:49 Latulippe - hooking
Phoenix playing well
Devils fans getting fed up with non calls from Hicks
Kill this penalty Devils
Oh no another Devils penalty @ 45:28 Maciver 2+2 hi stiks
Phoenix have 1:31 of 5 on 3
Phoenix 3rd goal @ 46:42 ppg scored by Fulghum, assists Beauregard & Garbutt
Devils 4th goal @ 48:01 scored by Teplitsky, assist by Voth SHG
Big saves by Aubry on pk
Devils back to full strength
50 minutes gone
Phoenix icing @ 50:26
Better atmosphere tonight, sounds like a good game
e-mailers are anti Hicks
Devils icing @ 53:03
With so few referees it is hard for a referee to officiate at his so called home club, I know only too well as I used to hate to umpire my own cricket club - which only happenned in an emergency and I was moved from another game
54 minutes
Aubry save @ 54:29
Another Aubry save @ 34:31 I suppose that should read 54:31 or maybe its another delayed e-mail
55 minutes gone
Voth collides with Murphy's net @ 55:10
Murphy save @ 55:30
Chris didn't win the "Shirt off his Back" despite buying 6 tickets
Devils offside @ 56:39
Devils hit pipes
Final 2 minutes of game
Murphy save @ 58:11
Phoenix plkayer down injured @ 59:02
He is up
Phoenix timeout
58 seconds left
Phoenix pull Murphy
Murphy pulled @ 59:21
Awesome save by Aubry @ 59:40
Come on u Devils
FIGHT at Buzzer
Correction FIGHTS
Hicks restrain Clouthier
Both teams on ice
Its all kicked off
Fight between Voth & Bruce : Prpich & Someone
Players now shake hands
Just a show to warm up the fans before they went out into the cold Bay
Final Score DEVILS 4 Phoenix 3
Two genuine fights and handbags between the others
Penalties coming later
Devils MoM Tyson TEPLITSKY
Devils MoM approved by Texters
No news on any penalties called on the final buzzer if we do get them they will be posted on the Forum later
Big thanks to Chris & Sharlene our texters
Thats all from me OJ until the next one which is Devils v Hull on Staturday and then we have the eagerly awaited game in Sheffield on Sunday night